nonlinear1 / BundleFusion_Ubuntu_V0

This is BundleFusion for Ubuntu version
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This is the bundlefusion of linux version, exactly the ubuntu version. I have tested in Ubuntu16.04 + CUDA9.0 and Ubuntu 18.04 + CUDA10. I think other version is OK, maybe you should change some compile configuration! The project archeticture:

BundleFusion_Ubuntu_V0 has the following folders and a CMakeLists.txt and two parameter configuration files: cmake_modules data external FriedLiver lib mLibExternal modules scans build CMakeLists.txt zParametersBundlingDefault.txt zParametersDefault.txt The data,lib,mLibExternal,scans you must make them yourself! "external" this folder has a mLib, which is changed by me! "data" folder, you put the dataset for example:sequence.sens, you can download it from the "lib" is empty folder just used in compilation. "mLibExternal" folder you must add the files from the bundlefusion in "scans" folder is the mesh output! the results you are looking forward to! make and compile: cd build cmake .. make -j8 now you just put the "zParametersBundlingDefault.txt" and "zParametersDefault.txt" into build folder and just ./FriedLiver the Bundlefuson_Ubuntu is running and press "9" key you can save the mesh! For now, no display, when I have time, I will add display, I will use imGUI and OpenGL to display and render! If anyone have any problem you can send me a or qq:31781410 or join my wechat for VIO I also R&D VIO slam! I hope all of you will benefit from my porting project--BundleFusion_Ubuntu! Guan Shi yuan 关士远 2019.11.26