nonth / react-native-face-detection

react-native face detection using Google ML Kit
MIT License
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react-native face detection using Google ML Kit.

Some part of the code is from react-native-firebase ml-vision package (version 6.4.0) but due to Google separate Firebase ML Kit into Google ML Kit and Firebase Machine Learning then the ml-vision will no longer available on react-native-firebase.

This package bring back face detection feature from ml-vision package.


You can use npm or yarn to install the latest version:


npm install --save react-native-face-detection


yarn add react-native-face-detection


Run npx pod-install after installing the package


import FaceDetection, { FaceDetectorContourMode, FaceDetectorLandmarkMode, FaceContourType } from "react-native-face-detection";

async function processFaces(imagePath) {
  const options = {
    landmarkMode: FaceDetectorLandmarkMode.ALL,
    contourMode: FaceDetectorContourMode.ALL

  const faces = await FaceDetection.processImage(imagePath, options);

  faces.forEach(face => {
    console.log('Head rotation on X axis: ', face.headEulerAngleX);
    console.log('Head rotation on Y axis: ', face.headEulerAngleY);
    console.log('Head rotation on Z axis: ', face.headEulerAngleZ);

    console.log('Left eye open probability: ', face.leftEyeOpenProbability);
    console.log('Right eye open probability: ', face.rightEyeOpenProbability);
    console.log('Smiling probability: ', face.smilingProbability);

    face.faceContours.forEach(contour => {
      if (contour.type === FaceContourType.FACE) {
        console.log('Face outline points: ', contour.points);

    face.landmarks.forEach(landmark => {
      if (landmark.type === FaceLandmarkType.LEFT_EYE) {
        console.log('Left eye outline points: ', landmark.points);
      } else if (landmark.type === FaceLandmarkType.RIGHT_EYE) {
        console.log('Right eye outline points: ', landmark.points);

// Local path to file on the device
const imagePath = '/path/to/face-image.png';

processFaces(imagePath).then(() => console.log('Finished processing file.'));


Check example foler.


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