noobCubed / Real-Time-Facial-Expression-Recognition

Real Time Facial Expression Recognition from Webcam using Convolutional Neural Networks and OpenCV
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Real Time Facial Expression Recognition

This projects uses Keras with Tensorflow Backend and OpenCV to develop a Convolutional Neural Network which can classify, from an image or from a real time video feed (webcam), the emotion/expression that a person is showing. The CNN was trained on 90% of a combination of the CK+, JAFFE and the KDEF datasets for 40 epochs. The remaining 10% was used as the test set to check the validation accuracy of the model (70%).

Capture of the live video feed from the webcam and processing that video feed was done using OpenCV. Face detection was implemented using the dnn module of OpenCV.

Work Environment: i7 4510U, 8 GB RAM, Geforce 840M 2GB

IDE used: Spyder (Anaconda)

Model trained using Google Colaboratory


Run from the command prompt to get FER in real time from webcam.

Eg. >> python

Run with your test image in the same folder as the code files giving your test image as a command line argument

Eg. >> python -testImage test_img.png