nopnop2002 / esp-idf-video-streaming

Capture video from a USB camera using ESP-IDF
MIT License
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[SUCCESS]Microdia MSI Starcam Racer #9

Open nopnop2002 opened 2 years ago

nopnop2002 commented 2 years ago

Microdia MSI Starcam Racer

Can be used with ESP-IDF.
It can stream at 640x480 15FPS/352x288 15FPS/320x240 30FPS MJPEG.

Divice ID

$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 018: ID 0c45:62e0 Microdia MSI Starcam Racer

This camera is a product of Sonix Technology and sold as an OEM. It was sold as the following model. I'm sure there are many more.

Device descriptor read by ESP-IDF

DEVICE CONFIGURATION (0c45:62e0/        S) ---
Status: idle
        bcdUVC: 0x0100
        bEndpointAddress: 129
                  bits per pixel: 0
                  GUID: 4d4a5047000000000000000000000000 (MJPG)
                  default frame: 1
                  aspect ratio: 0x0
                  interlace flags: 00
                  copy protect: 00
                          capabilities: 00
                          size: 640x480
                          bit rate: 384000-2304000
                          max frame size: 76800
                          default interval: 1/30
                          interval[0]: 1/30
                          interval[1]: 1/25
                          interval[2]: 1/20
                          interval[3]: 1/15
                          interval[4]: 1/10
                          interval[5]: 1/5
                          capabilities: 00
                          size: 352x288
                          bit rate: 126720-760320
                          max frame size: 25344
                          default interval: 1/30
                          interval[0]: 1/30
                          interval[1]: 1/25
                          interval[2]: 1/20
                          interval[3]: 1/15
                          interval[4]: 1/10
                          interval[5]: 1/5
                          capabilities: 00
                          size: 320x240
                          bit rate: 96000-576000
                          max frame size: 19200
                          default interval: 1/30
                          interval[0]: 1/30
                          interval[1]: 1/25
                          interval[2]: 1/20
                          interval[3]: 1/15
                          interval[4]: 1/10
                          interval[5]: 1/5
                          capabilities: 00
                          size: 176x144
                          bit rate: 31680-190080
                          max frame size: 6336
                          default interval: 1/30
                          interval[0]: 1/30
                          interval[1]: 1/25
                          interval[2]: 1/20
                          interval[3]: 1/15
                          interval[4]: 1/10
                          interval[5]: 1/5
                          capabilities: 00
                          size: 160x120
                          bit rate: 24000-144000
                          max frame size: 4800
                          default interval: 1/30
                          interval[0]: 1/30
                          interval[1]: 1/25
                          interval[2]: 1/20
                          interval[3]: 1/15
                          interval[4]: 1/10
                          interval[5]: 1/5
                          capabilities: 00
                          size: 1280x1024
                          bit rate: 1638400-1638400
                          max frame size: 327680
                          default interval: 1/5
                          interval[0]: 1/5
                          bEndPointAddress: 00
                          wWidth(1) = 1280
                          wHeight(1) = 1024
                          wWidth(2) = 640
                          wHeight(2) = 480
                          wWidth(3) = 352
                          wHeight(3) = 288
                          wWidth(4) = 320
                          wHeight(4) = 240
                          wWidth(5) = 176
                          wHeight(5) = 144
                          wWidth(6) = 160
                          wHeight(6) = 120