nopnop2002 / esp-idf-vs1053

VS1053 Driver for esp-idf
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esp-idf esp32 internet-radio mp3-decoder radio radio-station vs1053


VS1053 Driver for esp-idf.
You can listen Internet radio.
I ported from here.

Software requirements

esp-idf ver4.3 or later.
Because this project uses MessageBuffer instead of RingBuffer.
MessageBuffer is 3 times faster than RingBuffer.

Hardware requirements

VS1003 or VS1053 Development Board.
The performance of VS1003 (Blue Board) and VS1053 is completely different.
VS1003 (Blue Board) is not fast.


git clone
cd esp-idf-vs1053 set-target esp32 menuconfig flash monitor

config-main config-app


You have to set this config value with menuconfig.

WiFi Setting


VS1053 Setting


Radio Station Setting


Infrared Setting(Optional)

See Infrared operation section.



for Blue board(VS1003)

VS1003 ESP32
5V -- VIN(*1)
DREQ -- GPIO4(*2)
XRST -- EN(*2)
XCS -- GPIO5(*2)
XDCS -- GPIO16(*2)

(1) External power if no VIN Pin.
2) You can change any GPIO using menuconfig.



for Red board(VS1053)

VS1053 ESP32
5V -- VIN(*1)
CS -- N/C(*3)
SI -- GPIO23
XCS -- GPIO5(*2)
XRESET -- EN(*2)
XDCS -- GPIO16(*2)
DREQ -- GPIO4(*2)

(1) External power if no VIN Pin.
2) You can change any GPIO using menuconfig.
(*3) For SD card reader on the back


for Green board(VS1053)

Same as Blue board.


Chip identification

- VS1053

I (17237) VS1053: REG Contents I (17237) VS1053: --- ----- I (17247) VS1053: 0 - 4800 I (17257) VS1053: 1 - 40 ---- > 0x4X is VS1053 I (17267) VS1053: 2 - 0 I (17277) VS1053: 3 - 6000 I (17287) VS1053: 4 - 0 I (17297) VS1053: 5 - AC44 I (17307) VS1053: 6 - 0 I (17317) VS1053: 7 - 1E06 I (17327) VS1053: 8 - 0 I (17337) VS1053: 9 - 0 I (17347) VS1053: A - 0 I (17357) VS1053: B - FFFC I (17367) VS1053: C - 0 I (17377) VS1053: D - 0 I (17387) VS1053: E - 0 I (17397) VS1053: F - 0

With the VS1003, radio stations larger than 128K bit rate cannot be played for a long time.   
VS1003 and VS1053 have completely different performance.   
Click [here]( for details.


# Infrared operation   
You can operate using infrared remote.   

## Hardware requirements   
- NEC or RC5 infrared remote with two or more buttons.   
- An infrared receiver module (e.g. IRM-3638T), which integrates a demodulator and AGC circuit.   
My recommendation is a vishay product.   

## Get infrared code   
Use [this]( example to get the infrared code.   
Run this example, you will see the following output log (for NEC protocol):   

I (2000) example: Send command 0x20 to address 0x10 I (2070) example: Scan Code --- addr: 0x0010 cmd: 0x0020 I (2220) example: Scan Code (repeat) --- addr: 0x0010 cmd: 0x0020 I (4240) example: Send command 0x21 to address 0x10 I (4310) example: Scan Code --- addr: 0x0010 cmd: 0x0021 I (4460) example: Scan Code (repeat) --- addr: 0x0010 cmd: 0x0021 I (6480) example: Send command 0x22 to address 0x10 I (6550) example: Scan Code --- addr: 0x0010 cmd: 0x0022 I (6700) example: Scan Code (repeat) --- addr: 0x0010 cmd: 0x0022 I (8720) example: Send command 0x23 to address 0x10 I (8790) example: Scan Code --- addr: 0x0010 cmd: 0x0023 I (8940) example: Scan Code (repeat) --- addr: 0x0010 cmd: 0x0023 I (10960) example: Send command 0x24 to address 0x10 I (11030) example: Scan Code --- addr: 0x0010 cmd: 0x0024 I (11180) example: Scan Code (repeat) --- addr: 0x0010 cmd: 0x0024

## Wireing   
This is typical wireing.   


## Configure
- Infrared Protocol   
- Remote ADDR & CMD to start PLAY   
- Remote ADDR & CMD to stop PLAY   



# About embedded metadata
SHOUTCast server can put a Metadata Chunk in the middle of StreamData.   
The Metadata Chunk contains song titles and radio station information.

## Request embedded metadata chunk
Include the following in the HTTP Request.

Icy-MetaData: 1

## Metadata chunk interval
The SHOUTcast server will notify the metadata interval below.


This means that embedded metadata is sent from the server every 45000 bytes.

|<---45000Byte Stream data---><---45000Byte Stream data--->

## Metadata chunk format
[Here]( is a detailed explanation.

The very first byte of the metadata chunk tells us how long the metadata chunk is.   
However, most are 0.   
0 indicates that the metadata chunk is 0 blocks(=0 byte)

|<---45000Byte Stream data---><0><---45000Byte Stream data---><0>

## Display Metadata
The detected Metadata is sent to the CONSOLE task via RingBuffer.   
CONSOLE task display example:   

I (3479002) CONSOLE: xRingbufferReceive item_size=112 I (3479012) CONSOLE: StreamTitle='Maria Muldaur - Sweet Harmony';StreamUrl='';

By changing the CONSOLE task, the received Metadata can be displayed on an external monitor.   
These pages will be helpful.

- HD44780(GPIO)

- HD44780(I2C)

- SSD1306

If you use the SPI interface for this purpose, you need to use a __VSPI_HOST(SPI3_HOST) device__.   
Because VS1053 occupies HSPI_HOST(SPI2_HOST) device.   

__My recommendation:__   
My recommendation is to transfer the detected metadata to another ESP on the network and view it on another ESP.   
The simplest implementation is UDP Broadcast.   
You can select Metadata output destination using menuconfig.   

If you select UDP Broadcast, you can specify the UDP port number.   

You can use to receive Broadcast metadata.   
UDP broadcast data can be received by ESP32/ESP8266.   


# About Transfer-Encoding: chunked
There is some radio station return [Transfer-Encoding: chunked].   
This is one of them.

host = ""; path = "/franceculture-lofi.mp3"; Port = 80;

Even if you request [Icy-MetaData: 1], there is no [Icy-metaint] in the responce.   
Chunks are padded periodically.   
Details of [Transfer-Encoding: chunked] is [here](  

|<---Stream data---><---Stream data--->

is Hexadecimal string. <1234> is 4660 bytes. ```