nordtheme / emacs

An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Emacs theme.
MIT License
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Magit Support #27

Open microamp opened 7 years ago

microamp commented 7 years ago

Some Magit commands still displaying default colours, e.g. magit-log-current

microamp commented 7 years ago

Screenshot: magit-log-current

microamp commented 7 years ago

By the way, I like the theme a lot. Awesome work!

arcticicestudio commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your report šŸ‘ Is there a list of available faces for magit and a way to test them? I'm not a Emac user and its hard to style such elements without having a test setup or at least a list of face names I can derive their functionallity of. I'm only aware of list-faces-display, but this only lists faces which are used in the current buffer.

Linuus commented 6 years ago

@arcticicestudio perhaps this could help?

Zenburn is pretty complete IMO.

c-alpha commented 1 year ago

Hope the below list helps.

To construct the face symbol name behind for instance:

Magit Bisect Bad face: [sample]
   Face for bad bisect revisions.

Just take everything before " face: [sample]", convert to lower case, and replace spaces with hyphens. In this example, the face symbol would be magit-bisect-bad.

Here is the complete list of magit faces:

Magit Bisect Bad face: [sample]
   Face for bad bisect revisions.

Magit Bisect Good face: [sample]
   Face for good bisect revisions.

Magit Bisect Skip face: [sample]
   Face for skipped bisect revisions.

Magit Blame Date face: [sample]
   Face used for dates when blaming.

Magit Blame Dimmed face: [sample]
   Face used for the blame margin in some cases when blaming. More

Magit Blame Hash face: [sample]
   Face used for commit hashes when blaming.

Magit Blame Heading face: [sample]
   Face used for blame headings by default when blaming. More

Magit Blame Highlight face: [sample]
   Face used for highlighting when blaming. More

Magit Blame Margin face: [sample]
   Face used for the blame margin by default when blaming. More

Magit Blame Name face: [sample]
   Face used for author and committer names when blaming.

Magit Blame Summary face: [sample]
   Face used for commit summaries when blaming.

Magit Branch Current face: [sample]
   Face for current branch.

Magit Branch Local face: [sample]
   Face for local branches.

Magit Branch Remote face: [sample]
   Face for remote branch head labels shown in log buffer.

Magit Branch Remote Head face: [sample]
   Face for current branch.

Magit Branch Upstream face: [sample]
   Face for upstream branch. More

Magit Branch Warning face: [sample]
   Face for warning about (missing) branch.

Magit Cherry Equivalent face: [sample]
   Face for equivalent cherry commits.

Magit Cherry Unmatched face: [sample]
   Face for unmatched cherry commits.

Magit Diff Added face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff that have been added.

Magit Diff Added Highlight face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff that have been added.

Magit Diff Base face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff for the base side in a conflict.

Magit Diff Base Highlight face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff for the base side in a conflict.

Magit Diff Conflict Heading face: [sample]
   Face for conflict markers.

Magit Diff Context face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff that are unchanged.

Magit Diff Context Highlight face: [sample]
   Face for lines in the current context in a diff.

Magit Diff File Heading face: [sample]
   Face for diff file headings.

Magit Diff File Heading Highlight face: [sample]
   Face for current diff file headings.

Magit Diff File Heading Selection face: [sample]
   Face for selected diff file headings.

Magit Diff Hunk Heading face: [sample]
   Face for diff hunk headings.

Magit Diff Hunk Heading Highlight face: [sample]
   Face for current diff hunk headings.

Magit Diff Hunk Heading Selection face: [sample]
   Face for selected diff hunk headings.

Magit Diff Hunk Region face: [sample]
   Face used by ā€˜magit-diff-highlight-hunk-region-using-faceā€™. More

Magit Diff Lines Boundary face: [sample]
   Face for boundary of marked lines in diff hunk.

Magit Diff Lines Heading face: [sample]
   Face for diff hunk heading when lines are marked.

Magit Diff Our face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff for our side in a conflict.

Magit Diff Our Highlight face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff for our side in a conflict.

Magit Diff Removed face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff that have been removed.

Magit Diff Removed Highlight face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff that have been removed.

Magit Diff Revision Summary face: [sample]
   Face for commit message summaries.

Magit Diff Revision Summary Highlight face: [sample]
   Face for highlighted commit message summaries.

Magit Diff Their face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff for their side in a conflict.

Magit Diff Their Highlight face: [sample]
   Face for lines in a diff for their side in a conflict.

Magit Diff Whitespace Warning face: [sample]
   Face for highlighting whitespace errors added lines.

Magit Diffstat Added face: [sample]
   Face for plus sign in diffstat.

Magit Diffstat Removed face: [sample]
   Face for minus sign in diffstat.

Magit Dimmed face: [sample]
   Face for text that shouldnā€™t stand out.

Magit Filename face: [sample]
   Face for filenames.

Magit Hash face: [sample]
   Face for the commit object name in the log output.

Magit Head face: [sample]
   Face for the symbolic ref ā€˜HEADā€™.

Magit Header Line face: [sample]
   Face for the ā€˜header-lineā€™ in some Magit modes. More

Magit Header Line Key face: [sample]
   Face for keys in the ā€˜header-lineā€™.

Magit Header Line Log Select face: [sample]
   Face for the ā€˜header-lineā€™ in ā€˜magit-log-select-modeā€™.

Magit Keyword face: [sample]
   Face for parts of commit messages inside brackets.

Magit Keyword Squash face: [sample]
   Face for squash! and fixup! keywords in commit messages.

Magit Log Author face: [sample]
   Face for the author part of the log output.

Magit Log Date face: [sample]
   Face for the date part of the log output.

Magit Log Graph face: [sample]
   Face for the graph part of the log output.

Magit Mode Line Process face: [sample]
   Face for ā€˜mode-line-processā€™ status when Git is running for side-effects.

Magit Mode Line Process Error face: [sample]
   Face for ā€˜mode-line-processā€™ error status. More

Magit Popup Argument face: [sample]
   Face used to display enabled arguments in popups.

Magit Popup Disabled Argument face: [sample]
   Face used to display disabled arguments in popups.

Magit Popup Heading face: [sample]
   Face for key mode header lines.

Magit Popup Key face: [sample]
   Face for key mode buttons.

Magit Popup Option Value face: [sample]
   Face used to display option values in popups.

Magit Process Ng face: [sample]
   Face for non-zero exit-status.

Magit Process Ok face: [sample]
   Face for zero exit-status.

Magit Reflog Amend face: [sample]
   Face for amend commands in reflogs.

Magit Reflog Checkout face: [sample]
   Face for checkout commands in reflogs.

Magit Reflog Cherry Pick face: [sample]
   Face for cherry-pick commands in reflogs.

Magit Reflog Commit face: [sample]
   Face for commit commands in reflogs.

Magit Reflog Merge face: [sample]
   Face for merge, checkout and branch commands in reflogs.

Magit Reflog Other face: [sample]
   Face for other commands in reflogs.

Magit Reflog Rebase face: [sample]
   Face for rebase commands in reflogs.

Magit Reflog Remote face: [sample]
   Face for pull and clone commands in reflogs.

Magit Reflog Reset face: [sample]
   Face for reset commands in reflogs.

Magit Refname face: [sample]
   Face for refnames without a dedicated face.

Magit Refname Pullreq face: [sample]
   Face for pullreq refnames.

Magit Refname Stash face: [sample]
   Face for stash refnames.

Magit Refname Wip face: [sample]
   Face for wip refnames.

Magit Section Child Count face: [sample]
   Face used for child counts at the end of some section headings.

Magit Section Heading face: [sample]
   Face for section headings.

Magit Section Heading Selection face: [sample]
   Face for selected section headings.

Magit Section Highlight face: [sample]
   Face for highlighting the current section.

Magit Section Secondary Heading face: [sample]
   Face for section headings of some secondary headings.

Magit Sequence Done face: [sample]
   Face used in sequence sections.

Magit Sequence Drop face: [sample]
   Face used in sequence sections.

Magit Sequence Exec face: [sample]
   Face used in sequence sections.

Magit Sequence Head face: [sample]
   Face used in sequence sections.

Magit Sequence Onto face: [sample]
   Face used in sequence sections.

Magit Sequence Part face: [sample]
   Face used in sequence sections.

Magit Sequence Pick face: [sample]
   Face used in sequence sections.

Magit Sequence Stop face: [sample]
   Face used in sequence sections.

Magit Signature Bad face: [sample]
   Face for bad signatures.

Magit Signature Error face: [sample]
   Face for signatures that cannot be checked (e.g. missing key).

Magit Signature Expired face: [sample]
   Face for signatures that have expired.

Magit Signature Expired Key face: [sample]
   Face for signatures made by an expired key.

Magit Signature Good face: [sample]
   Face for good signatures.

Magit Signature Revoked face: [sample]
   Face for signatures made by a revoked key.

Magit Signature Untrusted face: [sample]
   Face for good untrusted signatures.

Magit Tag face: [sample]
   Face for tag labels shown in log buffer.