normen / vim-pio

Vim Plugin for PlatformIO
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This is a collection of helper commands for VIM to ease the use of PlatformIO with VIM.

Its very much a WIP, its literally just parts of my vimrc outsourced into a plugin.




PlatformIO Core

Make sure you have the PlatformIO command line tools installed.

On MacOS with Homebrew installed just do:

brew install platformio


With vim-plug installed, add this to your vimrc:

Plug 'normen/vim-pio'


Use :h pio in vim for documentation of all commands and options.

Basic Commands


The plugin creates a Makefile, this way you can use a simple :make to compile or a :make upload to compile and upload your code to your microcontroller.

Other things

Code completion

To have code completion in vim you'll need the Clangd or CCLS language server installed as well as a plugin for vim to use it.

Example LSP plugins for vim:

Please refer to the documentation of the LSP plugins for how to set them up.

vim-pio uses PlatformIOs built-in functions to create .ccls and compile-commands.json files which can be picked up by CCLS and Clangd respectively.


If Clangd can't pick up the correct folders for some reason, add this to your platformio.ini:

build_flags=-Isrc -Ilib

Background Make

I suggest also installing the awesome vim-dispatch plugin by tpope to be able to use :Make instead of :make to run compilations in the background.

Further Info

This plugin is based on the built-in VIM and ccls support of PlatformIO, check out the information here