Open tobias-kaufmann opened 4 years ago
data.table tidyverse (should cover all the tidyverse packages, i.e. ggplot, dplyr etc.) reshape2 ggseg grid png gridExtra cowplot magick batch fmsb gtx plyr corrplot
ggplot2 ggridges cowplot grid gridExtra png tidyr mclust cluster Nbclust ggseg ape reshape2 xgboost care cvTools caret MatchIt dplyr metafor effsize
RMarkdown Tidyverse broom stringR purrr ggbump bookdown colorspace corrr datapasta reprex ggrepel ggridges gt gtsummary hrbrthemes jamitor clock lubridate modelr paletteer patchwork
DGM table1 stringr ROCR party e1071 randomForest kernlab
We need to document this in a wiki-page.
Please list all R packages you are using so that TSD support can compile a full package for p33 (I will merge the lists in the end).