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R packages #23

Open tobias-kaufmann opened 4 years ago

tobias-kaufmann commented 4 years ago

Please list all R packages you are using so that TSD support can compile a full package for p33 (I will merge the lists in the end).

denvdm commented 4 years ago

data.table tidyverse (should cover all the tidyverse packages, i.e. ggplot, dplyr etc.) reshape2 ggseg grid png gridExtra cowplot magick batch fmsb gtx plyr corrplot

tobias-kaufmann commented 4 years ago

ggplot2 ggridges cowplot grid gridExtra png tidyr mclust cluster Nbclust ggseg ape reshape2 xgboost care cvTools caret MatchIt dplyr metafor effsize

jonellevillar commented 4 years ago

RMarkdown Tidyverse broom stringR purrr ggbump bookdown colorspace corrr datapasta reprex ggrepel ggridges gt gtsummary hrbrthemes jamitor clock lubridate modelr paletteer patchwork

Majolund commented 4 years ago

DGM table1 stringr ROCR party e1071 randomForest kernlab

ofrei commented 4 years ago

We need to document this in a wiki-page.