nortikin / sverchok

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Render Gallery #1342

Closed zeffii closed 6 years ago

zeffii commented 7 years ago

Project Sverchok needs a 'visual outreach' program.

One thing we've failed at consistently is make attractive renders to show the power of this beast. Some of you may be unfamiliar with it but there was a small attempt ( ) at a landing page, I would love to add a set of images that give a better impression of what's possible now.

I don't mind doing the site coding etc.. but really my time is better spent doing other things. I really just want images to stick in there. Preferably Architectural or Graphics, the criteria being just Sverchok/Blender (things that can be done without other add-ons, or with the default supplied add-ons - via imports in Scripted Nodes etc..)


A bonus would be if you can submit a gist of the layout too, or a .blend

This thread should be about what you have done not about what you would like to do. i'll be sanitising comments to reflect that.

portnov commented 7 years ago


enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

pxr_mario_006 001_15million_2000obj_23min blender_array_modifier2 black_dog_resampling_004 hexagonal_monad_001

many_snail_007 proxy_anim_test_002

(edited for speed loading)

zeffii commented 7 years ago

Thanks @enzyme69 , some comments.

zeffii commented 7 years ago

i'm thinking of having two galleries, a Render Gallery and a Technical Gallery.

portnov commented 7 years ago

@zeffii How do you want to organize filling of galleries? I mean, will you fill it yourself after grepping this thread, or?...

Btw, one of possibilities is to open a group on deviantart.

zeffii commented 7 years ago

@portnov a deviantart group makes sense, anything that will push the community to a little competition in the render quality. This could be separate from the gallery, where the content is curated super objectively.

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

random_walk_mk3 (edited for speed loading)

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

torus_knot_003 A bit of Sverchok coolness and Cycles geekiness... all procedural, that's the point.

nortikin commented 7 years ago

I have collected not renders, but gists

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

A bit simplistic, but colorful: ring_gradient_002

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

3D Cross Hatching using Grease Pencil and Polygon Adaptive. screen shot 2017-03-26 at 22 07 23

portnov commented 7 years ago

This sort of things is possible without sverchok, but here everything is parametric... jug-1 | jug-2 | jug-3

portnov commented 7 years ago

"Just a quick demo" taking 20 minutes on my computer to render... jug-5

Blend file in case someone with faster GPU wants to take this render to next level: :)

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2017-04-22 at 22 01 36 It's a WIP, but was inspired by Sougwen Chung. Grease Pencil needs to be unleashed.

Freestyle and outlining is so slow... I think Texture and Cycles material is way to go. No one has tried Texture with Alpha along curves with Grease Pencil, it would be so awesome like Chinese or Japanese Sumi-E Brush Strokes.

nortikin commented 7 years ago

freestyle have troubles with short edges. So, composite or use cycle material for that (normal orientation)

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

Cheers for tips @nortikin I don't know sometimes too much overlaps and failure with Freestyle. And Curves generates such high resolution mesh when rendered.

Somewhat this one renders ok... after simplification. screen shot 2017-04-23 at 11 38 56

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

mummy_003 Grease Pencil and Sverchok. Inspired by Nitz Art.

danbachm commented 7 years ago

Hey Gang, I just checked out this thread and wonder if I might help out a bit. I am not really a node wrangler guy but try to recreate noodelings from blendersushi and other great online ressources. I have two weeks now, where I could help out setting up and rendering content since I have broke my foot and have nothing else to do :)

If you do not mind, you could send me blend files of your setups and I could set them up into nice images with some graphical continuity for a gallery of results. I can render different contents with a "standardized" look and feel. What I am not really proficent is setting up the noodles since I am more on the artist side and not on the math one.

My idea is to also have a nice footer with the name of the artist who created the setup and the sverchok logo integrated.

What do you think? I you want to try me, share a scene you like and I spend some time on it, then we see where it is going.

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

shredded_005 | More noodles thanks to uber awesome Zeffii Polyline node.

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

@danbachm We actually need a proper Sverchok logo that is simple and presentable.

Thanks btw for kind feedback on my random noodle-ing using Sverchok at BS. Feel free to use the GIST I put online and make your own artworks.

My computer system cannot handle too much complex Freestyle, and usually my render is pretty basic. I don't have time to do proper lighting and material.

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2017-05-19 at 21 38 00 Probably another "tech demo".


enzyme69 commented 7 years ago


Feels like dejavu, I am pretty sure I did something like this in the past. But more control thanks to Sverchok.

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

Just 2000 x example generated robotic armory design, utilizing Zeffii Voronoi 3D :) It's not Gundam or Evangelion, but I can "imagine" some "original" design for Mecha.

some kind of mecha robot design |

What missing is... probably the inside flesh.

nortikin commented 7 years ago

9u2mbegluos | idqri0enpqm

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2017-06-21 at 19 12 41

@ly29 Adaptive Polygon, like Tissue Add-On actually stands quite powerful up to this day. There is a weird anomaly, but so far pretty happy that it can do this knitting stuff.

Ideally, we can use UV info, to project deform the UV with respected seam, and get a more beautiful knitting. That's for future study, I guess.

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago


I learned a lot from this study of knitting. Actually @ly29 Adaptive Polygon has thought about this far far away ago, I am so impressed. Maybe even Adaptive Edge is related.

I also found out about Mira Add-On for Wrapping, and also getting used more with Tissue Add-On. Tissue Add-On tesselate is like Adaptive Polygon MK2, but I like how fast and interactive Sverchok Adaptive Polygon to generate hair edges. Amazing. Would be nice if Polygon Adaptive can randomly rotate the plate.

One could have used Hair and some kind of clever "at render time" rendering of curve into threads for maximum details.

There are few things to improve knitting, like retopology, to make sure each "polygon plate" is flowing more naturally.

If there is a book, this should be one of the chapters. It should talk about Knitting, Wires, and Noodles.

agiac commented 7 years ago

Hello, I used Sverchok to generate and 3D print some parametric tiles and I wrote a tutorial about it if you want to see it:) Love Sverchok


nortikin commented 7 years ago

petri spiral

@AG89z try template in sverchok called

petri spiral scale

nantille commented 7 years ago

Hello all,

Here's my first attempt at using Sverchok. I coded enough Python to dive easily into it when needed but here Sverchok really gave me the power to do complex things by hand with little effort. Thank you for this add-on!

The illustration is for a recent publication about connectivity in the brain by Eyal Gal. Some patterns appear in the connectivity of neurons, such as the "rich club" in the middle. The article was published in Nature Neuroscience.

The original illustration is in A0 format so rendering alone took 14h on a 48-core workstation. :) structure_in_the_jungle_web

This is at 50% scale (yes, I could zoom in further). structure_in_the_jungle_detail

Blue Brain Project / EPFL © 2005 – 2017. All rights reserved

zeffii commented 7 years ago

@nantille , Ah. i see ! also , nice to see Idan Segev on that paper ( I followed one of his Intro to Neuroscience Moocs a few years back )

zeffii commented 7 years ago


I followed one of his moocs (intro to neuroscience)

That's all i did too (but forgot exactly the title of the course), i was not involved with the production in any form.. just watched the videos and did the quizzes etc. Very interesting stuff. Would take it again.

enzyme69 commented 7 years ago

screen shot 2017-07-19 at 15 33 00 | screen shot 2017-07-19 at 15 32 33

I will render this properly when I got time.

nortikin commented 7 years ago


pillow generator (see post in G+ group) needed to render too

zeffii commented 6 years ago

@nantille is this interesting to you?

nantille commented 6 years ago

I'm back. ^^ @zeffii Yes these are interesting, as learning material. This drvtech thing is about microscopy images, something close to photography. Not my field since I design illustrations. However one of my colleague's research might be on topic. Thanks!

nantille commented 6 years ago

Hello, as promised, here's the complete sverchok node tree with the resulting curves/connections. I made a group that I used a lot, it's called "Vertices in region". It filters some vertices from a given group and allows me to draw connections between samples from regions (layers 1 to 6). There's also the material used for the connections. You can directly preview the scene, I think it should work. connectivity_scene Cheers

nortikin commented 6 years ago

default Spinner generator you can print on 3d printer and insert iron part simply

agiac commented 6 years ago

@nortikin They are very nice! I work for a 3d printing company (Zmorph), we could print them out and write an article about it if you want (either on the company's blog or informally on Let me know:)

enzyme69 commented 6 years ago

Render is "Meh", but this has potential. click details to view images

![suzanne_feather_004]( ![suzanne_feather_002](
zeffii commented 6 years ago

@AG89z is fun to read through., and especially satisfying to see the 3d printed results. i'm working through a python port of the processing code (which I think is itself a port from inconvergence's python code)

enzyme69 commented 6 years ago

click details to view images

![prtscr capture_36]( ![prtscr capture_35]( ![prtscr capture_33](
nortikin commented 6 years ago

@AG89z It have to be heavy, material plumbum or make hollow fill with water, but it may not rotate well. Dimentions of ball bearing if you have, tell me. ЗЫ ball bearing radius implemented as parameter, you can relax there. Now preparing papers for this spinners stuff.

nortikin commented 6 years ago

@AG89z Here is paper. Mistake in heighting. will fix tomorrow. single.pdf Here is blend. спинер

![spinner3 svg](
enzyme69 commented 6 years ago

Inspired by Sougwen Chung artworks, this is the Dance of Sine and Wave using Sverchok. OpenGL render. Will turn this into AR.

Dance of Sine and Wave Virtual Sculpture by Blender Sushi Guy (2017)

(click details to show images)

![bs_swc_004]( ![bs_swc_003]( ![bs_swc_002]( ![bs_swc_001](
zeffii commented 6 years ago

those are large images @enzyme69 . also i'm struggling to see any real level of conscious control of the "signal". but hey.. i'm not your art teacher :) ... but I am the highly opinionated and objective curator of this gallery .

agiac commented 6 years ago

@zeffii Thanks Zeffi, it's nice to hear that you like the blog :) @nortikin Great thanks! We will make few prints and come back:) I think that they would also be very nice as necklaces.

nortikin commented 6 years ago

@AG89z please, read PDF before you make something. If you'll make photo, i will use it in my CGevent presentation in December.

agiac commented 6 years ago

First simple test:


nortikin commented 6 years ago image Иван Прытов made that layout (on link blend file in google docs, download now). He subscribed all the parts detailed, look at his nodes.

nortikin commented 6 years ago

new fun with spinner. script node ALT+P making some спинер @AG89z

![6]( ![5](