nosada / mkosi-files

Configs and files for creating basic Arch Linux container image on systemd-nspawn using mkosi
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archlinux mkosi nspawn

What's this

Mkosi configs and files for Arch Linux systemd-nspawn images.

Expected to be used in Arch Linux box.

How to use

  1. Install base-devel, git
  2. Install mkosi (or mkosi-git in AUR)
  3. Clone this repository

After cloning it, you can do the followings:

Simple way

Run update-nspawn-images as root:

update-nspawn-images CONTAINER [OTHER_CONTAINER ...]

where CONTAINER or OTHER_CONTAINER are nspawn container name in this repository.

update-nspawn-images will do below:

  1. Build specified nspawn image
  2. Remove existing image (nspawn container will be terminated)
  3. Install new image and config

Complicated way

Create container image

sudo make

Import built image

sudo make install

Remove container image

sudo make uninstall

Clean built files

Delete container image and mkosi.default in CONTAINER/

sudo make clean

Containers on this repository


Communicating outside container with VirtualEthernet=yes

See this comment.

Using guispawn

Some environment variables are required to run X apps. Use below snippet:

machinectl shell \
    --setenv=display=:0 \
    --setenv=xauthority="\${HOME}/.xauthority" \
    --setenv=pulse_server=unix:/run/user/host/pulse/native \
    gui@guispawn /usr/bin/COMMAND ARGUMENTS

Or you can use script launch-app-in-container like below:

launch-app-in-container COMMAND ARGUMENTS

This will do same thing of above snippet.