notablackbear / poe_qolV2

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The code owner (Path of Matth) has decided to release the source code at this point. We are happy to do this so that everyone can feel better about using the tool, and welcome kind contributions. This is a scruffy code. We want to thank @macr0s for starting the project, even though more than half of it has changed. A history of the code up to this point is in the branch archive for those interested.

Roadmap and Plans:

This has come a long way if just under a week. I really have a new understanding of the experience GGG goes through with PoE players. A big thank you to all those who have helped users having troubles!

The code is scuffed, and not professionally written in anyway. I am learning a ton, and help is welcome!

To everyone still having issues, please bear with us as we step through the following fixes and changes, in no particular order:

Read Me

Important: If you are not been using v2.0.3, please download that release here and consider deleting the POEQOL_Base.filter from your filter folder to reset everything. If you've made some customizations to that filter prior to 2.0.3, perhaps temporarily move any existing filter named POEQOL_Base.filter to another location, or make sure you have a back-up copy of your customizations.

Steps/Notes/Advice/Info 1) You can clone the repo as is, or download the zip file from the releases, here and unzip that folder. 2) All files should be located in the same folder as the exe file. The location of the POE_QOL folder shouldn't matter, but, for example, I keep it in Documents. 3) Open up the Setup.ini file in text editor and please read the instructions in that file. There is info you need to fill out or else it won't work. Most importantly your poe account name and your POESESSID. 4) It assumes the OS is Windows 10. Leave the Setup entry filter as is to let the app create a new filter, and it will by default try to save it in the folder USER\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\. _If the app cannot find it, Temporarily until it can be fixed, use the absolut path or leave the filter parameter blank and follow the pop-ups for help and manually select the folder. You should only need to do this once, since it will store the location you choose in the setup file._ 5) The app recreates the included default on start up, if it is not detected in your filters folder, and saves it to your filters folder. Each time you refresh or highlight chaos recipe items, it will update this filter file. So you will then need to refresh the filters in game to see changes. 6) It's not instant. Unfortunately there's going to be some lag between the online stash and the app synchronization/refresh. It won't keep up with how quickly you are making exalts. It seems that you can force the stash to update by changing locations in game (going somewhere that requires a loading screen, like a waypoint) 7) It should work with any screen resolution, but have seen some issues crop up. If you are running two monitors, it is going to show up on Screen 0, so run PoE in Windowed Fullscreen on your primary monitor. 8) There's been issues when using Vulkan for some players. Please try without Vulkan as well.
