notchris / payload-table-field

A table field (React Table) for Payload
MIT License
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payload-plugin payloadcms react-table table

Payload Table Field

Adds a table field (using React Table) to Payload.




  yarn add payload-table-field
  npm i payload-table-field

Basic Usage

Import the field and then use it in your payload collection fields array.

// import plugin
import { CollectionConfig, Field } from 'payload/types'
import { tableField } from 'payload-table-field'

import mockData from '../mocks/mockData'

const Examples: CollectionConfig = {
  slug: 'examples',
  admin: {
    useAsTitle: 'title',
  fields: [
      type: 'text',
      name: 'title',
        name: 'table_example',
        label: 'Example Table - Movies',
        defaultValue: mockData,
        pagination: true, // Enable pagination?
        paginationPageSize: 10, // Default pagination page size
        paginationPageSizes: [5, 10, 25, 50, 100], // Available pagination page sizes
        editable: false, // Allow cells to be edited?
        rowSelection: true, // Enable row selection
        columns: [
            key: 'id',
            name: 'ID',
            enableSorting: true // Allow this column to be sorted
          { key: 'title', name: 'Title' },
          { key: 'year', name: 'Year' },
    ) as Field,

export default Examples


While this plugin is still in development, the basic feature set of React Table has been implemented.