notcraig / pelican-free-agent

A one page portfolio theme for Pelican
26 stars 12 forks source link

Since first creating this Frankentheme, I've done a direct port of Agency to Pelican. Use it instead.

Free Agent Pelican theme

Pelican theme based on Freelancer bootstrap theme , which was ported to Pelican by ondoheer from the Jekyll version.
I modified it to resemble Agency bootstrap theme, so I named it "Free Agent", since it's kind of a "Frankenstein's monster" of the two themes.
This README is based on Jerome Lachaud's version.

How to use

Title: My first post
Date: 2016-12-12
Image: cabin.png
Client: Start Bootstrap
Service: Web development
Here comes the content of my modal "article"... Cred flexitarian meditation, ugh put a bird on it lomo biodiesel disrupt freegan banjo viral. Banjo whatever sriracha paleo. Thundercats hella pour-over, plaid disrupt fixie typewriter tofu ugh viral seitan narwhal.


Several options can be configured in

The address in the footer:

ADDRESS1 = 'The Internet'
ADDRESS2 = 'Any City, Any Place'

The about page's left, right and center columns:

ABOUT_LEFT = 'Take me to your leader! Switzerland is small and neutral! We are more like Germany, ambitious and misunderstood! I\'m Santa Claus! And so we say goodbye to our beloved pet, Nibbler, who\'s gone to a place where I, too, hope one day to go. The toilet.</p><p>Wow, you got that off the Internet? In my day, the Internet was only used to download pornography. <strong> I meant \'physically\'.</strong> <em> Look, perhaps you could let me work for a little food?</em> I could clean the floors or paint a fence, or service you sexually?</p><h3>Guess again.</h3>'

ABOUT_RIGHT = '<p>It\'s a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool. You know how I sometimes have really brilliant ideas? You know when grown-ups tell you \'everything\'s going to be fine\' and you think they\'re probably lying to make you feel better?</p><p>You hate me; you want to kill me! Well, go on! Kill me! KILL ME! It\'s art! A statement on modern society, \'Oh Ain\'t Modern Society Awful? \'! <strong> All I\'ve got to do is pass as an ordinary human being.</strong> <em> Simple.</em> What could possibly go wrong?</p><p>Father Christmas. Santa Claus. Or as I\'ve always known him: Jeff.</p>'

ABOUT_CENTER = '<a href="" target="_blank" class="btn btn-lg btn-outline"><i class="fa fa-download">Go to my Github</i> </a>'

Contact form

There are two ways to use the contact form section.


The default utilizes the static/js/contact_me.js script and passes the form POST data to static/mail/contact_me.php.
contact_me.php uses curl to send the form data via sendgrid (or mandrill et al)



Alternate contact form

templates/contact_static.html is designed to use services like formspree via a form action.


Landing Page
Modal: Modal
Contact Footer:
The whole shebang:
Full Length

========= For more details, read the documentation