nothingisdead / meteor-elasticity

A customizable Elasticsearch client with Blaze templates
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A customizable Elasticsearch client with Blaze templates



Complete rewrite. Adds reactive searches, removes lots of cruft. Until I rewrite the readme, here's some very basic usage:

// This should be on both client and server
var foo = new Mongo.Collection('foo');

// Set up an index on the server
<!-- Use Blaze Templates -->
{{> SearchInput placeholder="Search Term" collection="foo" index="test_index" id="search1"}}

{{#if SearchResult "search1"}}
  {{#each SearchResult "search1"}}
    Name: {{name}}
  No Results.

Notes: "foo" is a global variable that references the "foo" collection. "search1" links the input to the results. To write your own queries, define a template helper that returns an object in the elasticsearch query DSL. Then, pass "request=yourHelperFunction" to the SearchInput helper. The string "{{term}}" in your request will be replaced by the search term.


The package has undergone some major internal changes, and the syntax for calling most of the functions has changed. This file has been updated to reflect those changes.


Switched underlying client to the official elasticsearch.js client

Elasticity is a smart package for meteor and meteorite that wraps around the elasticsearch package for node.js.

This package draws inspiration from the easy-search package. My goals were to expose some additional functionality of Elasticsearch and provide some more features while keeping it relatively simple to use.
