notroj / litmus

WebDAV test suite.
GNU General Public License v2.0
12 stars 4 forks source link
rfc-2518 rfc-4918 webdav webdav-protocol


litmus is a WebDAV server protocol compliance test suite.

GitHub: | Web:

Tests include:

Bugs, feature requests and patches can be sent in via the Github repository:


litmus comprises of a set of test suites as separate executables: each program takes a URL on the command-line, optionally followed by username and password. To run all the suites from a built litmus tree, use

 $ make URL= check

Where is a DAV-enabled collection. litmus must be able to create a new collection called 'litmus' at that location. The Makefile variable 'CREDS' can also be defined to be a username/password separated by strings. e.g. if you have a user 'jim' defined with password '2518', use:

 $ make URL= CREDS="jim 2518" check

To aid debugging, litmus adds a header `X-Litmus-One' to every request made. After running a test suite, the file 'debug.log' includes a full neon debugging trace (unless neon or litmus was configured without debugging enabled!).

To use after installation is complete ('make install'), run the 'litmus' script, passing in a URL, optionally followed by the username/password. For instance:

 $ litmus


 $ litmus jim 2518

Copyright and licensing

litmus is licensed under the GNU GPL; see COPYING for full details.

litmus is Copyright (C) 1999-2022 Joe Orton