notum-cz / strapi-plugin-record-locking

This plugin provides the functionality to prevent data loss in cases where multiple users are simultaneously editing the same record within STRAPI v4.
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record-locking strapi strapi-plugin

Strapi plugin record-locking

This plugin provides the functionality to prevent data loss in cases where multiple users are simultaneously editing the same record within STRAPI v5.

When a user attempts to edit a record that is already being edited, a warning will be displayed.

Record Locking Plugin Example

⚠️ We've released version 2.0.0 for the Record Locking Plugin.

Plugin version 2.x is aimed at Strapi V5. If you need support for Strapi V4, please follow the 1.x releases. What's new:

Migration from 1.x to 2.x

Since the plugin does not retain any data, we're not providing migration scripts for the database. Strapi should update the columns automatically, however if this does not happen, you can update the columns manually when migrating to Strapi V5:

🙉 What does the plugin do for you?

✅ Safeguards against concurrent editing by restricting access to a record to a single user at a time.

✅ Provides clear visibility of the current editing user, enabling you to easily identify who is working on the record.

🧑‍💻 Installation

1. Install the plugin with your favourite package manager:

npm i @notum-cz/strapi-plugin-record-locking
yarn add @notum-cz/strapi-plugin-record-locking

2. Create or modify file config/plugins.js and include the following code snippet:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  'record-locking': {
    enabled: true,

We use websockets and you can determine the necessary transport yourself:

module.exports = ({ env }) => ({
  'record-locking': {
    enabled: true,
    config: {
      transports: ['websocket'],

If you do not specify a transport, the default parameters will be applied:

DEFAULT_TRANSPORTS: ['polling', 'websocket', 'webtransport'];

3. Enable websocket support by configuring the Strapi middleware.

In the config/middlewares.js file either replace 'strapi::security' with a middleware object (see the example below) or update your existing configuration accordingly.

  1. Ensure that contentSecurityPolicy.directives.connect-src array includes "ws:" and "wss:".
  2. Rebuild Strapi and test record locking features.
  3. You should not encounter any Content Security Policy errors in the console.
module.exports = [
    name: "strapi::security",
    config: {
      contentSecurityPolicy: {
        useDefaults: true,
        directives: {
          "connect-src": ["'self'", "https:", "ws:", "wss:", "http:"],
          "img-src": [
          "media-src": ["'self'", "data:", "blob:"],
          upgradeInsecureRequests: null,
  'strapi::cors', ...

While optional, it is highly recommended to implement this step to prevent from falling back to the HTTP protocol and generating the following error in the web console.
Refused to connect to <protocol>://<url> because it does not appear in the connect-src directive of the Content Security Policy

🛣️ Road map

Are any of these features significant to you? Please show your support by giving a thumbs up on the linked issues. This will help us assess their priority on the roadmap.

🐛 Bugs

We manage bugs through GitHub Issues.
If you're interested in helping us, you would be a rock ⭐.

🧔 Authors

The main star: Martin Čapek
Original Maintainer: Ondřej Mikulčík
Active Maintainer: Dominik Juriga
Project owner: Ondřej Janošík

💬 Community

Join our Discord server to discuss new features, implementation challenges or anything related to this plugin.

🚀 Created with passion by Notum Technologies

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✔️ With a track record of 100+ projects, our open communication and exceptional project management skills provide us with the necessary tools to get your project across the finish line.
📅 To initiate a discussion about your Strapi project, feel free to reach out to us via email at We're here to assist you!

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