nov / itunes-receipt

Handle iTunes In App Purchase Receipt Verification
MIT License
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= itunes-receipt

Handle iTunes In App Purchase Receipt Verification.

== Installation

gem install itunes-receipt

== Usage

require 'itunes/receipt'

pass Base64 encoded raw receipt data which you received from your iOS app

receipt = Itunes::Receipt.verify! 'ewoJInNpZ25hdHVyZSIgPSAi...' receipt.product_id # => 'com.example.products.100gems' receipt.transaction_id # => '1234567890' :

See lib/itunes/receipt.rb for more attributes.

If you want to accept iTunes sandbox receipts, do like this. With allow_sandbox_receipt option specified, this gem post given receipt data to iTunes production first, and when iTunes production tells it's sandbox receipt, re-send it to iTunes sandbox again automatically. Without this option, this gem just raises an exception.

receipt = Itunes::Receipt.verify! 'ewoJInNpZ25hdHVyZSIgPSAi...', :allow_sandbox_receipt receipt.sandbox? # => true/false

If you want to accept ONLY iTunes sandbox receipts (in your stable server etc.), call Itunes.sandbox! somewhere before you call Itunes::Receipt.verify!. Then all verification call after that goes to iTunes sandbox, until you do Itunes.sandbox = false.

== Note on Patches/Pull Requests

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 nov matake. See LICENSE for details.