np-guard / vpc-network-config-analyzer

A tool for analyzing the configured network connectivity of VPCs as specified by various VPC resources
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 0 forks source link
connectivity connectivity-analysis vpc vpc-resources


About vpc-network-config-analyzer

This repo contains packages and a CLI for analyzing the network connectivity of a VPC, as specified by various VPC resources.


Run the vpcanalyzer CLI tool with one of the following commands.

Global options

      --dump-resources string    file path to store resources collected from the cloud provider
  -o, --format string            output format; must be one of [json, txt, md, drawio, arch_drawio, svg, arch_svg, html, arch_html, debug]
  -h, --help                     help for vpcanalyzer
      --output-file string       file path to store results
  -p, --provider string          collect resources from an account in this cloud provider
  -q, --quiet                    runs quietly, reports only severe errors and results
  -r, --region stringArray       cloud region from which to collect resources, can pass multiple regions
      --resource-group string    resource group id or name from which to collect resources
  -v, --verbose                  runs with more informative messages printed to log
      --vpc string               CRN of the VPC to analyze
  -c, --vpc-config stringArray   file paths to input configs, can pass multiple config files

Providing VPC configuration

VPC configuration should be provided, using the --vpc-config option, as a JSON file produced by the cloud-resource-collector. Alternatively, VPC configuration can be read directly from a given account using the --provider flag.

Output formats

Output format is set using the --format flag. The following formats are available for the vpcanalyzer report command. Other commands may not support all formats.

Output can be saved to a file using the --output-file flag.

Build the project

Make sure you have golang 1.22+ on your platform

git clone
cd vpc-network-config-analyzer
make mod 
make build

Test your build by running ./bin/vpcanalyzer -h.