This repository is used to work on the standards track RFC describing a PLTPMTUD method
applicable to SCTP, UDP and QUIC.
The .xml
source file can be processed by
This document uses rfcxml v3 with svg and txt artwork. The svg artwork is generated from the ascii artworking using the goat tool multiple artwork.
The document needs to be built with the --v3 flags.
Editing and working on the document can be done using the Makefile. This Makefile will ensure that the svg diagrams are regenerated when the original ascii artwork is changed.
For submission the document and the artwork should be built into a single xml file by:
xml2rfc --v3 --preptool draft-ietf-tsvwg-datagram-plpmtud.xml
Which will create the file draft-ietf-tsvwg-datagram-plpmtud.prepped.xml
The makefile can be used to create the txt version of the document for upload.