npolyak / NP.Roxy

Roxy IoC container and Code Generator
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 4 forks source link

NP.Roxy New Powerful Roxy IoC container and Code Generator

Name Explanation

The name of the package "Roxy" is a mix of two words: "Roslyn" and "Proxy" (even though I intend to make this package much more than a just a proxy generator).

Cloning the Repository

I started using the submodules, so, in order to clone the repository, you need to use the following command:

git clone --recursive -b version_0.9 NP.Roxy

Why and What is Roxy

The main purpose of Roxy is to introduce a better separation of concerns and correspondingly simplify the code.

Here are the tasks that the Roxy package addresses now and in the future.


In the future I plan to make Roxy a full blown IoC container. In particular it will allow:

I plan to publish a number of articles on the describing Roxy usage in much more detail. Here is the first article of the series Introducing Roxy: Powerful Proxy Generation and IoC Container Package

Below are a few samples previewing what one can do with Roxy:

Creating a default implementation for an interface:

IPerson person = Core.Concretize<IPerson>();

person.FirstName = "Joe";
person.LastName = "Doe";
person.Age = 35;
person.Profession = "Astronaut";

// test that the properties have indeed been assigned. 
Console.WriteLine($"Name='{person.FirstName} {person.LastName}'; Age='{person.Age}'; Profession='{person.Profession}'");  

Adapting a Class to an Interface including the Non-Public Members of the Class

IPerson person = 
    Core.CreateWrapperWithNonPublicMembers<IPerson, PersonImplementationWrapperInterface>("MyPersonImplementation"); 

// set the properties
person.FirstName = "Joe";
person.LastName = "Doe";
person.Age = 35;
person.Profession = "Astronaut";

// test that the wrapped properties and the method work
Console.WriteLine($"Name/Profession='{person.GetFullNameAndProfession()}'; Age='{person.Age}'");  

Adapting an Enumeration to an Interface using Static Extension (possibly Non-Public) Methods of the Enumeration

// we create an adaptor adapting ProductKind enumeration
// to IProduct interface using extension methods from the static 
// ProductKindExtensions class
Core.CreateEnumerationAdapter<IProduct, ProductKind>(typeof(ProductKindExtensions));

// enumeration value ProductKind.FinancialInstrument is converted into
// IProduct interface
IProduct product =
    Core.CreateEnumWrapper<IProduct, ProductKind>(ProductKind.FinancialInstrument);

// we test the methods of the resulting object that implements IProduct interface.
Console.WriteLine($"product: {product.GetDisplayName()}; Description: {product.GetDescription()}");