npryce / codea-controllers

A small library of composable multi-touch controllers for Codea that implement various game control mechanisms
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A small library of composable multi-touch controllers for Codea that implement various game control mechanisms.

A controller translates touch events into higher level callbacks to control game objects.

The library includes an analogue joystick and slider with central dead-zone, a catapult style interaction for launching projectiles, and tap interpreters that can be used as fire or jump buttons.

Controllers can be composed. A single statement can define a complex control scheme, such as used in a dual-stick shooter, or a shared-screen multiplayer game, or a shared-screen multiplayer dual-stick shooter!

Example Codea programs that use the library can be seen at:

Unfortunately, because Apple restrict what apps on iOS can do, you can no longer download the code directly into Codea. You'll have to copy and paste from the GitHub code browser.