nsITians / RMT_Backend

A rating portal for NSUT students. Grade your teachers!!
2 stars 2 forks source link

Backend for the rate.nsut.me project

Database Setup

create role rmt LOGIN PASSWORD 'rmtPass';
create database rmtdb;
\c rmtdb;
grant all privileges on database "rmtdb" to rmt with grant option;

Current API Structure

/* Teacher */
    name: <String>(NOT NULL),
    designation: <String>,
    description: <String>,
    piture: <URL>
- / - GET : All teachers
- /:id - GET : Teacher with id
- /:id - PUT : Edit the details of a teacher
- /:id - DELET : Delete a teacher
- /new - POST : Create a new teacher
- /?queryParam=query - GET : Filter results
/* Course */
    name: <String>(NOT NULL),
    code: <String>(NOT NULL),
    description: <String>
- / - GET : All courses
- /:id - GET : Course with id
- /:id - PUT : Edit the details of a course
- /:id - DELETE : Delete a course
- /new - POST : Create a new course
- /?queryParam=query - GET : Filter results
/* Post */
    content: <String>(NOT NULL),
    rating: <Integer>(0-5),
    year: <Integer>,
    teacherId: <Foreign_Key>(NOT NULL),
    courseId: <Foreign_Key>(NOT NULL)
- / - GET : All posts
- /:id - GET : Post with id
- /:id - PUT : Edit the details of a post
- /:id - DELETE : Delete a post
- /new - POST : Create a new post
- /?queryParam=query - GET : Filter results


POST to http://localhost:4000/api/v1/posts/new

        "content": "This is a very basic post",
        "rating": 5,
        "year": 2017,
        "teacherId": 1,
        "courseId": 1
        "id": 1,
        "content": "This is a very basic post",
        "rating": 5,
        "course": "ITC15",
        "year": 2017,
        "createdAt": "2018-09-30T15:12:26.227Z",
        "updatedAt": "2018-09-30T15:12:58.561Z",
        "teacherId": 1,
        "courseId": 1



The users are anonymous and hence no authentication is required for get requests and post requests on posts.


They are authenticated using the authentication API, which supports login via google, they have rights to perform put and delete requests apart from posting new courses and teachers.

To login as admin, the email address has to be invited by an existing super-admin


They are also authenticated via the same api but they have the priviledge to make new admins as well as make them super-admins.

Authentication API

Auth is handled in 2 parts:

/* Headers */
    Authorization: "Bearer <token>"

/* Request */
    email: <Email>(NOT NULL),

- / - GET : All requests
- /:email - DELETE : Delete request to the email
- /new - POST : Create a new request
/* Login route */