nshiab / journalism

Helper functions for journalism projects.
MIT License
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The Journalism Library

A collection of TypeScript functions for journalistic projects.

The library is available on npm. To install, run npm i journalism in your terminal.

The documentation can be found here.

If you wish to contribute, create an issue explaining what you would like to add, create a branch from the issue, make sure to add tests, import your function in index.ts and then create a pull request. To run a specific test, you can use a command like this one npx mocha --require ts-node/register ./test/finance/adjustToInflation.test.ts --timeout 10000 -r dotenv/config. To run all tests, including building the library and generating the docs (in ./test-docs), run npm run all-tests.

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This repository is maintained by Nael Shiab, computational journalist and senior data producer for CBC News.