nspcc-dev / neo-bench

Neo Blockchain Benchmark toolkit
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 3 forks source link

Neo Blockchain benchmark (Neo 3 version)


Repository structure

Usage example (local benchmark + NeoGo single node)

  1. Build the benchmark images and binary file with the following command:

    $ make build
    => Building Bench image registry.nspcc.ru/neo-bench/neo-bench:bench
    => Building Go Node image registry.nspcc.ru/neo-bench/neo-go:bench
    => Building Sharp Node image registry.nspcc.ru/neo-bench/neo-sharp:bench
    => Building Bench binary file
    + export GOGC=off
    + GOGC=off
    + export CGO_ENABLED=0
    + go -C cmd build -v -o bin/bench -trimpath ./bench
  2. Run test target for a test run:

    $ make test
    ./runner.sh --validators 1 -d "GoSingle" -m wrk -w 30 -z 5m -t 30s
    make[1]: Entering directory '/home/anna/Documents/GitProjects/nspcc-dev/neo-bench'
    => Stop environment
    => Generate configurations for single-node and four-nodes networks from templates
    + cd ./cmd
    + go run ./config/ --go-template go.protocol.template.yml --go-db leveldb --sharp-template sharp.protocol.template.yml --sharp-db LevelDBStore
    creating: 3115231476/go.protocol.template.yml
    creating: 3115231476/go.protocol.template.yml
    creating: 3115231476/sharp.protocol.template.yml
    creating: 3115231476/sharp.protocol.template.yml
    make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/anna/Documents/GitProjects/nspcc-dev/neo-bench' 
    [+] Creating 3/1
    ✔ Network neo_go_network  Created                                                                                                                                                                            0.1s 
    ✔ Container ir-node-1     Created                                                                                                                                                                            0.1s 
    ✔ Container ir-healthy-1  Created                                                                                                                                                                            0.0s 
    [+] Running 2/2
    ✔ Container ir-node-1     Healthy                                                                                                                                                                            5.7s 
    ✔ Container ir-healthy-1  Started                                                                                                                                                                            0.2s 
    2024/04/22 17:03:33 Used [node:20331] rpc addresses
    2024/04/22 17:03:33 Run benchmark for GoSingle :: NEO-GO
    2024/04/22 17:03:34 Read 3000000 txs from /dump.txs
    2024/04/22 17:03:36 CPU: 0.025%, Mem: 23.242MB
    2024/04/22 17:03:38 CPU: 0.286%, Mem: 23.469MB
    2024/04/22 17:03:40 CPU: 0.031%, Mem: 23.781MB
    2024/04/22 17:03:41 Done 6.858495874s
    2024/04/22 17:03:41 Init 30 workers / 5m0s time limit (3000000 txs will try to send)
    2024/04/22 17:03:41 Prepare chain for benchmark
    2024/04/22 17:03:41 Determined validators count: 1
    2024/04/22 17:03:41 Sending NEO and GAS transfer tx
    2024/04/22 17:03:41 Contract hash: ceb508fc02abc2dc27228e21976699047bbbcce0
    2024/04/22 17:03:41 Sending contract deploy tx
    2024/04/22 17:03:41 Contract was persisted: false
    2024/04/22 17:03:42 Contract was persisted: false
    2024/04/22 17:03:42 CPU: 0.155%, Mem: 24.777MB
    2024/04/22 17:03:42 Contract was persisted: true
    2024/04/22 17:03:42 fetch current block count
    2024/04/22 17:03:42 Waiting for an empty block to be processed
    2024/04/22 17:03:43 Started test from block = 17 at unix time = 1713805423759
    2024/04/22 17:03:44 empty block: 17
    2024/04/22 17:03:44 CPU: 37.295%, Mem: 38.734MB
    2024/04/22 17:03:45 #18: 13690 transactions in 1011 ms - 13541.048467 tps
    2024/04/22 17:03:46 CPU: 64.889%, Mem: 131.801MB
    2024/04/22 17:03:46 #19: 13440 transactions in 1045 ms - 12861.244019 tps
    2024/04/22 17:03:48 #20: 13625 transactions in 1036 ms - 13151.544402 tps
    2024/04/22 17:03:48 CPU: 64.515%, Mem: 141.691MB
    2024/04/22 17:03:49 #21: 14820 transactions in 1036 ms - 14305.019305 tps
    2024/04/22 17:03:50 #22: 12248 transactions in 1042 ms - 11754.318618 tps
    2024/04/22 17:03:50 CPU: 55.543%, Mem: 165.152MB


2024/04/22 17:08:37 CPU: 84.711%, Mem: 703.641MB 2024/04/22 17:08:38 #287: 10736 transactions in 1013 ms - 10598.223100 tps 2024/04/22 17:08:39 #288: 8970 transactions in 1030 ms - 8708.737864 tps 2024/04/22 17:08:39 CPU: 85.515%, Mem: 734.520MB 2024/04/22 17:08:40 #289: 8333 transactions in 1032 ms - 8074.612403 tps 2024/04/22 17:08:41 #290: 8100 transactions in 1029 ms - 7871.720117 tps 2024/04/22 17:08:41 CPU: 82.350%, Mem: 802.832MB 2024/04/22 17:08:42 #291: 8139 transactions in 1034 ms - 7871.373308 tps 2024/04/22 17:08:43 #292: 6965 transactions in 1036 ms - 6722.972973 tps 2024/04/22 17:08:43 CPU: 86.500%, Mem: 851.633MB 2024/04/22 17:08:43 all request workers stopped 2024/04/22 17:08:43 Sent 2429426 transactions in 5m0.004691002s 2024/04/22 17:08:43 RPS: 8097.960 2024/04/22 17:08:43 All transactions have been sent successfully 2024/04/22 17:08:43 RPC Errors: 0 / 0.000% 2024/04/22 17:08:43 sender worker stopped 2024/04/22 17:08:44 #293: 8023 transactions in 1033 ms - 7766.698935 tps 2024/04/22 17:08:44 #294: 3611 transactions in 1023 ms - 3529.814272 tps 2024/04/22 17:08:44 parser worker stopped 2024/04/22 17:08:44 try to write profile GoSingle :: NEO-GO / 30 wrk / 5m0s

TXs ≈ 2429426 RPS ≈ 8097.960 RPC Errors ≈ 0 / 0.000% TPS ≈ 8079.692 DefaultMSPerBlock = 1000

CPU ≈ 72.766% Mem ≈ 518.845MB

3. Check the test run results:

$ cat .docker/rpc/out/GoSingle_wrk_30.log GoSingle :: NEO-GO / 30 wrk / 5m0s

TXs ≈ 1000000 RPS ≈ 12783.740 RPC Errors ≈ 0 / 0.000% TPS ≈ 12631.047 DefaultMSPerBlock = 1000

CPU ≈ 63.366% Mem ≈ 275.360MB

MillisecondsFromStart, CPU, Mem 2005.115, 0.034%, 26.766MB 4015.739, 0.348%, 27.668MB 6027.083, 47.061%, 52.148MB 8034.887, 72.988%, 187.363MB ...

DeltaTime, TransactionsCount, TPS 1010, 16331, 16169.307 1043, 20012, 19186.961 1038, 18998, 18302.505 1052, 19018, 18077.947 ...

4. Explore and run different benchmark configurations via the set of `make` boilerplate targets:

$ make start.GoFourNodes100wrk $ make start.GoFourNodes300rate $ make start.GoSingle30wrk $ make start.SharpFourNodes50rate $ make start.SharpFourNodesGoRPC30wrk $ make start.MixedFourNodesGoRPC50rate ...

... or use the `runner.sh` script for custom benchmark setup:

$ ./runner.sh -h $ ./runner.sh -d "Go4x1" -m wrk -w 30 -z 5m -t 30s $ ./runner.sh --validators 1 --nodes sharp -d "SharpSingle" -m rate -q 25 -z 5m -t 30s $ ./runner.sh --nodes mixed -d "MixedGoRPC4x1" -m rate -q 50 -z 5m -t 30s ...

## Usage example (local benchmark + external cluster)

NeoBench can be run in a stand-alone mode (loader only) to benchmark some external network. 
NeoBench expects external network to be launched with the known set of validators and committee (with wallets from `./docker/ir/`)
and not contain any transactions in the network (to successfully perform initial NEO/GAS transfers). In this setup the 
loader will be launched as a system process, without Docker container. You have to provide RPS address(-es) of some 
node from the external network to the loader instance on start. The loader will use the provided RPC to send 
transactions to the network.

1. Build the benchmark binary file with the following command:

$ make build => Building Bench image registry.nspcc.ru/neo-bench/neo-bench:bench sha256:b08f9fd42198be6c351d725543ac1e451063d18018a738f2446678a0cdf8ee78 => Building Go Node image registry.nspcc.ru/neo-bench/neo-go:bench sha256:2bf655747dfa06b85ced1ad7f0257128e7261e6d16b2c8087bc16fd27fcb3a6d => Building Sharp Node image registry.nspcc.ru/neo-bench/neo-sharp:bench sha256:a6ed753e8f81fedf8a9be556e60c6a41e385dd1ab2c90755ab44e2ceab92bca2 => Building Bench binary file

  1. Run benchmarks using the runner.sh script with RPC address(-es) of the external network and --external flag set:
    $ ./runner.sh -e -d "Go4x1" -m rate -q 1000 -z 5m -t 30s -a -a

Benchmark usage

  -h, --help                       Show usage message.
  -d, --desc string                Benchmark description. (default "unknown benchmark")
  -o, --out string                 Path where report would be written. (default "report.log")
  -m, --mode                       Benchmark mode.
                                   Example: -m wrk --mode rate (default "rate")
  -w, --workers int                Number of used workers.
                                   Example: -w 10 -w 15 -w 40 (default 30)
  -z, --timeLimit duration         The time limit when an application can send requests.
                                   When the time limit is reached, application stops send requests and wait for parsing transactions.
                                   Examples: -z 10s -z 3m (default 30s)
  -q, --rateLimit int              QPS - queries per second, rate limit (default 1000)
  -c, --concurrent int             Number of used cpu cores.Example: -c 4 --concurrent 8 (default 4)
  -a, --rpcAddress                 RPC addresses for RPC calls to test nodes.
                                   You can specify multiple addresses.
                                   Example -a -a (default [])
  -t, --request_timeout duration   Request timeout.
                                   Used for RPC requests.
                                   Example: -t 30s --request_timeout 15s (default 30s)
  -i, --in                         Path to input file to load transactions.
                                   Example: -i ./dump.txs --in /path/to/import/transactions
      --vote                       Vote before the bench.
      --disable-stats              Disable memory and CPU usage statistics collection.

Makefile usage

  make <target>


       build     Build all images
       config    Generate configurations for single-node and four-nodes networks from templates
       gen       Generate `dump.txs` (run it before any benchmarks)
       help      Show this help prompt
       prepare   Generate transactions and nodes configurations for four-nodes network
       pull      Pull images from registry
       push      Push all images to registry
       start     Runs benchmark for all default single-node and four-nodes C# and Go networks. Use `make start.<option>` to run tests separately
       stop      Stop all containers
       test      Test local benchmark (go run) with Neo single node

The following default configurations are available:

Make target Configuration description
start Runs benchmark for all default single-node and four-nodes C# and Go networks.
start.GoSingle10wrk Runs benchmark for single-node Go privat network under the load of 10 workers.
start.GoSingle30wrk Runs benchmark for single-node Go privat network under the load of 30 workers.
start.GoSingle100wrk Runs benchmark for single-node Go privat network under the load of 100 workers.
start.GoSingle25rate Runs benchmark for single-node Go privat network under the load of 25 requests per second.
start.GoSingle50rate Runs benchmark for single-node Go privat network under the load of 50 requests per second.
start.GoSingle60rate Runs benchmark for single-node Go privat network under the load of 60 requests per second.
start.GoSingle300rate Runs benchmark for single-node Go privat network under the load of 300 requests per second.
start.GoSingle1000rate Runs benchmark for single-node Go privat network under the load of 1000 requests per second.
start.GoFourNodes10wrk Runs benchmark for four-nodes Go privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 10 workers.
start.GoFourNodes30wrk Runs benchmark for four-nodes Go privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 30 workers.
start.GoFourNodes100wrk Runs benchmark for four-nodes Go privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 100 workers.
start.GoFourNodes25rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes Go privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 25 requests per second.
start.GoFourNodes50rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes Go privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 50 requests per second.
start.GoFoutNodes60rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes Go privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 60 requests per second.
start.GoFoutNodes300rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes Go privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 300 requests per second.
start.GoFoutNodes1000rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes Go privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 1000 requests per second.
start.SharpSingle10wrk Runs benchmark for single-node C# privat network under the load of 10 workers.
start.SharpSingle30wrk Runs benchmark for single-node C# privat network under the load of 30 workers.
start.SharpSingle100wrk Runs benchmark for single-node C# privat network under the load of 100 workers.
start.SharpSingle25rate Runs benchmark for single-node C# privat network under the load of 25 requests per second.
start.SharpSingle50rate Runs benchmark for single-node C# privat network under the load of 50 requests per second.
start.SharpSingle60rate Runs benchmark for single-node C# privat network under the load of 60 requests per second.
start.SharpSingle300rate Runs benchmark for single-node C# privat network under the load of 300 requests per second.
start.SharpSingle1000rate Runs benchmark for single-node C# privat network under the load of 1000 requests per second.
start.SharpFourNodes10wrk Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with C# RPC node under the load of 10 workers.
start.SharpFourNodes30wrk Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with C# RPC node under the load of 30 workers.
start.SharpFourNodes100wrk Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with C# RPC node under the load of 100 workers.
start.SharpFourNodes25rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with C# RPC node under the load of 25 requests per second.
start.SharpFourNodes50rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with C# RPC node under the load of 50 requests per second.
start.SharpFoutNodes60rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with C# RPC node under the load of 60 requests per second.
start.SharpFoutNodes300rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with C# RPC node under the load of 300 requests per second.
start.SharpFoutNodes1000rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with C# RPC node under the load of 1000 requests per second.
start.SharpFourNodesGoRPC10wrk Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 10 workers.
start.SharpFourNodesGoRPC30wrk Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 30 workers.
start.SharpFourNodesGoRPC100wrk Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 100 workers.
start.SharpFourNodesGoRPC25rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 25 requests per second.
start.SharpFourNodesGoRPC50rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 50 requests per second.
start.SharpFoutNodesGoRPC60rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 60 requests per second.
start.SharpFoutNodesGoRPC300rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 300 requests per second.
start.SharpFoutNodesGoRPC1000rate Runs benchmark for four-nodes C# privat network with Go RPC node under the load of 1000 requests per second.

Runner usage (./runner.sh)

   -v, --validators                 Consensus node count.
                                    Possible values: 1, 4 (default), 7.
   -n, --nodes                      Consensus node type.
                                    Possible values: go (default), mixed, sharp.
   -r, --rpc                        RPC node type. Default is the same as --nodes.
   -h, --help                       Show usage message.
   -b, --benchmark                  Benchmark type.
                                    Possible values: NEO (default) or GAS
       --from                       Number of tx senders (default: 1)
       --to                         Number of fund receivers (default: 1)
       --vote                       Whether or not candidates should be voted for before the bench.
   -d                               Benchmark description.
   -m                               Benchmark mode. Possible values: rate, wrk. In rate mode, -q and -w flags should be specified. In wrk mode, only -w flag should be specified.
                                    Example: -m wrk -m rate
   -w                               Number of used workers.
                                    Example: -w 10 -w 15 -w 40
   -z                               The time limit when an application can send requests.
                                    When the time limit is reached, application stops send requests and wait for parsing transactions.
                                    Examples: -z 10s -z 3m
   -q                               QPS - queries per second, rate limit
   -c                               Number of used cpu cores.
                                    Example: -c 4
   -a                               RPC addresses for RPC calls to test nodes.
                                    You can specify multiple addresses.
                                    Example -a -a
   -t                               Request timeout.
                                    Used for RPC requests.
                                    Example: -t 30s
   -l, --log                        Container logging facility. Default value is none.
                                    Example: -l journald -l syslog -l json-file
       --tc                         Arguments to pass to 'tc qdisc netem' inside the container.
                                    Example: 'delay 100ms'
       --msPerBlock                 Protocol setting specifying the minimal (and targeted for) time interval between blocks. Must be an integer number of milliseconds.
                                    The default value is set in configuration templates and is 1s and 5s for single node and multinode setup respectively.
                                    Example: --msPerBlock 3000
   -e, --external                   Use external network for benchmarking. Default is false. -a flag should be used to specify RPC addresses.

Build options

By default, neo-bench uses released versions of Neo nodes to build Docker images. However, you can easily test non-released branches or even separate commits for both Go and C# Neo nodes. --external flag should be used for external network benchmarks to run the loader in a standalone mode without Docker container.

Build Go node image from sources

To test non-released version of Go Neo node:

  1. Set ARG REV variable of Go node Dockerfile to the desired branch, tag or commit from the neo-go github repository. Example:

    ARG REV="v0.91.0"
  2. Build Go Neo node image with the following command:

    $   make build

Build C# node image from sources [preferable way]

Use this to test non-released version of C# node. Here we build all the neo, neo-vm, neo-node and neo-modules projects with their MyGet dependencies and then replace neo, neo-vm and neo-modules binaries from neo-cli by the built ones.

  1. Set DF_SHARP variable of neo-bench Makefile to .docker/build/Dockerfile.sharp.sources.from_binaries. It is necessary because neo-bench have three separate Dockerfiles to build C# Neo node image from release and from sources.

  2. Set CLIBRANCH, MODULESBRANCH, NEOVMBRANCH and NEOBRANCH variables of C# node-sources Dockerfile to the desired branch, tag or commit from the corresponding repositories. Refer the following table for the variables meaning:

    Variable Purpose Example
    CLIBRANCH Branch, tag or commit from C# neo-node github repository to build neo-cli from the source code ENV CLIBRANCH="v3.0.0-preview3"
    MODULESBRANCH Branch, tag or commit from C# neo-modules github repository to build node Plugins from the source code ENV MODULESBRANCH="v3.0.0-preview3-00"
    NEOVMBRANCH Branch, tag or commit from C# neo-vm github repository to build neo VM (Neo.VM.dll) from the source code ENV NEOVMBRANCH="v3.0.0-preview3"
    NEOBRANCH Branch, tag or commit from C# neo github repository to build neo itself (Neo.dll) from the source code ENV NEOBRANCH="v3.0.0-preview3"
  3. C# node image includes LevellDBStore, BadgerDBStore and RpcServer Plugins by default. If you need to install other Plugins, add desired Plugin name to MODULES variable of C# node-sources Dockerfile. This will use dotnet build command to build the specified plugin without dependencies. If you need to build plugin with dependant .dll-s, refer to this section of C# node-sources Dockerfile.

  4. Please, be careful while choosing branch, tag or commit on step 2. It is possible that one of the neo-cli, neo-modules, neo or neo-vm versions is incompatible with the others. For example, some method required for neo.dll from master-branch is missing in neo-vm.dll from v3.0.0-preview3-branch. In this case you either have to provide the compatible neo-vm branch via NEOVMBRANCH variable or provide neo-vm.dll from the dependencies of built neo (not from built neo-vm) by editing these sections of C# node-sources Dockerfile.

  5. Build C# Neo node image with the following command:

    $   make build

Build C# node image from sources [honest way]

This way is slightly different from the previous one. Here we bring all necessary projects together in a separate neo-project folder and replace PackageReferences by ProjectReferences to the local projects.

  1. Set DF_SHARP variable of neo-bench Makefile to .docker/build/Dockerfile.sharp.sources.from_local_dependencies.

  2. Set CLIBRANCH, MODULESBRANCH, NEOVMBRANCH and NEOBRANCH variables of C# node-sources Dockerfile to the desired branch, tag or commit from the corresponding repositories. Refer the following table for the variables meaning:

    Variable Purpose Example
    CLIBRANCH Branch, tag or commit from C# neo-node github repository to build neo-cli from the source code ENV CLIBRANCH="v3.0.0-preview3"
    MODULESBRANCH Branch, tag or commit from C# neo-modules github repository to build node Plugins from the source code ENV MODULESBRANCH="v3.0.0-preview3-00"
    NEOVMBRANCH Branch, tag or commit from C# neo-vm github repository to build neo VM (Neo.VM.dll) from the source code ENV NEOVMBRANCH="v3.0.0-preview3"
    NEOBRANCH Branch, tag or commit from C# neo github repository to build neo itself (Neo.dll) from the source code ENV NEOBRANCH="v3.0.0-preview3"
  3. C# node image includes LevellDBStore, BadgerDBStore and RpcServer Plugins by default. If you need to install other Plugins, add desired Plugin name to MODULES variable of C# node-sources Dockerfile. This will use dotnet build command to build the specified plugin without dependencies. If you need to build plugin with dependant .dll-s, refer to this section of C# node-sources Dockerfile.

  4. Please, be careful while choosing branch, tag or commit on step 2. It is possible that one of the neo-cli, neo-modules, neo or neo-vm versions is incompatible with the others. For example, some method required for neo.dll from master-branch is missing in neo-vm.dll from v3.0.0-preview3-branch. In this case you have to provide the compatible neo-vm branch via NEOVMBRANCH variable.

  5. Build C# Neo node image with the following command:

    $   make build

Nodes configurations

Nodes configuration files are built from templates for better maintenance and flexibility. Template files describe application and protocol settings for single node, four nodes and RPC node which are used to run benchmarks. go.protocol.template.yml is a configuration template for Golang Neo nodes, sharp.protocol.template.yml is a template for C# Neo node and template.data.yml contains a set of common data used by both Golang and C# node configurations.

We use Yaml Templating Tool to generate plain YAML and JSON files from the given templates. It is quite intuitive, so if you'd like to change any node settings, just edit the corresponding configuration template and re-generate configuration files by using the following make command:

   $   make config

To add one more node configuration, provide all necessary information to the node_info list of template.data.yml, e.g.:

- node_name: five
    node_port: 20337
    node_rpc_port: 30337
    node_monitoring_port: 20005
    node_pprof_port: 30005
    node_prometheus_port: 40005
    validator_hash: "02a7bc55fe8684e0119768d104ba30795bdcc86619e864add26156723ed185cd62"
    wallet_password: "five"

Environment variables

Name Description Default Example
NEOBENCH_LOGGER Container logging facility none none, journald, syslog,json-file
NEOBENCH_TC Parameters passed to the tc qdisc (netem discipline) on container startup delay 100ms
NEOBENCH_FROM_COUNT Number of tx senders 1 1
NEOBENCH_TO_COUNT Number of fund receivers 1 1
NEOBENCH_VALIDATOR_COUNT Number of validators 4 1, 4, 7
NEOBENCH_VOTE Vote for validators before the bench empty 1 or empty

For MacOS NEOBENCH_LOGGER should be set to json-file as journald and syslog are not supported by this architecture.

Benchmark results visualisation

There's a Python plotting script available for benchmark data visualisation. We are mostly concerned about transactions per second (TPS), transactions per block (TPB), milliseconds per block, CPU and Memory dependencies during benchmarking, so these are five types of plots to be visualised.

How to plot

  1. Check that all benchmark logs are placed into the .docker/ir/out/ folder (that's a default location for log files).

  2. Edit files_batch variable in the plot.py python script in order to include desired benchmark logs from the step 1 with the corresponding names.

  3. Run the command $ python3 plot.py .docker/ir/out/ where .docker/ir/out/ is the logs source folder from step 1.

The resulting images will be saved to ./img/ folder.