nss-day-cohort-15 / pinterest-d15-team-winterest

pinterest-d15-team-winterest created by GitHub Classroom
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Using your mad Angular skillz

You will be broken into teams and your goals is to reverse engineer the basic functionality of Pinterest and build your own version of it.


  1. Firebase structure. Flat, flat, flat.
  2. Authentication.
  3. Create board.
  4. Create pin to go on a board.

Firebase structure

  + users
  |---+ -K84hddnjx9v
  |   |--- uid: "github:jruhfiurnvuienciuwdn"
  |   |--- name: "Abraham Ybrimovitz"
  + pins
  |---+ -K84hfurycvb
  |   |--- uid: "github:jruhfiurnvuienciuwdn"
  |   |--- boardid: "-K66hzzzyyyy"
  |   |--- url: "http://www.imgur.com/9rufrniuvnfu2vnefui"
  |   |--- title: "Ha ha, stupid gator"
  + boards
  |---+ -K66hzzzyyyy
  |   |--- uid: "github:jruhfiurnvuienciuwdn"
  |   |--- title: "Stupid animals"


Relevent Firebase docs