nss-day-cohort-41 / nutshell-my-pretty-rose-tree

nutshell-my-pretty-rose-tree created by GitHub Classroom
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Nutshell: The Information Dashboard

Setup: Follow these steps exactly

  1. Clone this repository
  2. cd into the directory it creates
  3. Make a database.json file in the api directory
  4. Delete the .ignore file in the api directory

Note: Your database.json file is already in the .gitignore file for this project, so it will never be added to the repo or pushed to Github.


Nutshell is a new product offering that you have been tasked with building. It's a dashboard for people to use to organize their daily tasks, events, news article, friends, and chat messages.

You will be utilizing all of the skills and concepts that you've learned up to this point in the course.

  1. Functions
  2. Databases
  3. Github
  4. Objects
  5. CSS/Flexbox
  6. Array methods
  7. Components
  8. Handling user events
  9. Implementing CRUD operations
  10. Relational data
  11. ERDs

To start you off, here's an example of what the resources in your API should look like once it's populated with some data from your application.


{ "id": 1, "username": "Steve", "email": "me@me.com", "password": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }


{ "id": 1, "userId": 1, "message": "What's up?" }


    "id": 1,
    "userId": 2,
    "url": "https://www.quantamagazine.org/newfound-wormhole-allows-information-to-escape-black-holes-20171023/",
    "title": "Wormholes Allow Information to Escape Black Holes",
    "synopsis": "Check out this recent discovery about workholes"


{ "id": 1, "userId": 1, "following": 3 }


{ "id": 1, "userId": 3, "task": "Take out garbage", "complete": false }

Professional Requirements

  1. Each module should have a comment at the top with the following info: author(s) and purpose of module
  2. The README for your project should include instructions on how another person can download and run the application

How to Handle Authentication

Be very clear that what you will be implemeting is not real authentication. It is a simulation of it using very simplistic tools.

You will be using session storage to keep track of which user has logged into Nutshell. When the user fills out the registration form, you will POST their email, username and password to the users collection in your API. You will then immediately take the id of the object in the response and save it to session storage.

sessionStorage.setItem("activeUser", user.id)

If you want to add a Logout feature, all you need to do it remove the session storage item.
