nss-evening-cohort-06 / company-x-fivealive

company-x-fivealive created by GitHub Classroom
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Static Web Group Project

As a team, build the web site for a fictitious product company. The team gets to decide what the name of the company is, and what types of products it manufactures. Be creative and have fun.



Pick a theme that the team likes. A good place for inspiration is the Wordpress themes site. Do not purchase, or copy the theme code, just browse them for inspiration. Everyone should agree on a theme and ensure that each page is consistent with the colors, fonts, and/or images chosen.


Each team member is going to be responsible for the content of a different page, so decide on the name and content for each of those pages. Some possible options are...

  1. Home page
  2. Company history
  3. Company culture/mission
  4. Job listings
  5. Company awards

Regardless of what pages each team member works on, each team must have a Products page and an Employee page for their site that the team will collaborate on. See more details about the product page below.


Create a Project board for your company site and make the columns for ('backlog', 'doing', 'blocked', 'in review', 'done'). Create notes for different units of work, make the notes into issues, and assign it to the team members doing to work. When you are assigned to an issue, make sure that you are moving it over to the right column on the board.


Your team is going to learn how to use git to enable good teamwork when building a software product.

  1. Now that everyone has joined the same team, everyone clone the Github Classroom project into your current directory - which should be group_projects if you ran the setup commands.
  2. cd into the directory that got created.
  3. Before anyone on the team writes a single line of code, the team will decide on a branch naming strategy. Branches should be descriptive of the work that is going to be done on that branch. Some teams also decide to add the developer's information to the branch name, such as initials. For example, a developer named Jasmine Sheboygen is going to work on the job listings page for the web site. A good name for the branch would be js-job-listing-page.
  4. Again, before you write any code, one team member volunteer to create the ignore file on a branch.
    1. touch .gitignore
    2. git add .gitignore
    3. git commit -m "Initial commit with .gitignore file"
    4. git push origin YOUR BRANCH NAME
  5. Now make a PR and get your team to approve it :+1: and merge into master on GitHub.
  6. Now everyone should git pull origin master (from their local master branch).
  7. That's the last commit you make on the master branch. At this point, each teammate will create their branch.

Now everyone will work on their page on those individual branches. Once a teammates feels that their work is complete, the teammate will push up their branch to Github and create a pull request. Decide as group your standard for reviewing and approving pull requests, for example, you may decide that each PR needs one thumbs up from another teammate, you may decide that everyone in the group needs to give it a thumbs up, etc. At the very least, one of the other teammates must review the pull request and give a thumbs up (Just type :+1 in the comment box).

# Check to make sure that your working tree is clean. Add and commit all that you need to.
git checkout master
git fetch
git branch -al 
# ^ The code above shows you all active branches that are available to you on GitHub. 
git checkout your-teammates-branch-name
# Test test test

Once the PR gets a thumbs up, the teammates should merge the current version of master (the one with all their teammate's fancy additions) to their current working branch by following this process:

# Check to make sure that your working tree is clean. Add and commit all that you need to.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout your-branch-name
git merge master
# Fix any merge conflicts, if you have them
# git add and git commit any files affected by the merge conflict.

Now you have all of your work, plus all of your teammate's approved work on one branch. :cool:

Product page

The team's product page will be driven from JavaScript code. Decide on the names of, at least, 8 products that your business manufactures. The product page must have a linked JavaScript file.

Employee page