nss-evening-cohort-26 / gitsub-live-wire

gitsub-live-wire created by GitHub Classroom
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Project Name: GitSub

Overview: In this app we replicated GitHub's profile pin, repo and project pages. The user can view all their repos and the packages they have made. In each page the user is able to fill out a form to create a new repo, pinned repo or project and which will get added to their current list.

List of features: Nav bar View and create cards such as all repo's, projects and pinned repos.

Netlify: https://glittery-empanada-1a9c04.netlify.app/

Screenshots of project: image

Loom: https://www.loom.com/share/ec04c516838443b2a24dfbee85797530?sid=adcdce2f-7c14-4088-a602-805022adf670