nss-evening-cohort-3 / capstones

Capstones of Cohort E3
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Bio.io #16

Open danwventura opened 7 years ago

danwventura commented 7 years ago

For my capstone I would like to develop a prototype that emulates the technology used to track sharks in the wild. This project will leverage IoT technology to show proof of concept. I will program a Particle Electron to generate gps location (lat,long). For my presentation I will generate locational data and use google maps api to connect the points to draw lines and spell out words. For my live demo I will have the device mounted to the back of an R/C car and have someone drive to different location for different gps locations.

List of Base Features:

  1. Leverage the Internet of Things
  2. Mount a microcontroller to a Radio-Controlled Car to generate unique GPS coordinates
  3. Display previous coordinate sets for each logged in user
  4. Use Google Maps to highlight and color routes generated by device
  5. Display gps location live -- demo day

Stretch Goals:

  1. Use a special camera to take pictures with the micro-controller. Each image will be at a "sign" that also has a unique gps location that will be displayed live at demo day.


  1. Developing an API that pulls locational data from Particle.io's cloud and stores locally to be used in the UI
  2. Develop a UI with user authentication/views for their data
  3. Have the UI display previously stored locational data sets for each user and maps/colored route using Google Maps Api --> spell out words?
  4. Generate and display locational data live using the device and a loop that checks Particle.io's cloud at a regular interval.
  5. Incorporate a low-resolution camera (built for microcontroller) to take photos at set intervals along with gps data --> have signs on demo day set far enough apart that I can generate a unique location as well as unique image i.e "Welcome", "To", "Demo", "Day"