Must call at least one API endpoint from eiher a 3rd party or created by the student.
AngularJS usage is not required but highly encouraged.
Games are discouraged and will be a considered on a case-by-case basis.
Important Dates
December 3, 2016: Capstones should be submitted and approved by 12p.
December 10 2016: 1-2 minute pitch of your capstone idea in front of the class. Must show ERD & wireframes.
December 17 2016: In-class demo of your capstone app. Must show a running app. (Last Day of classes).
January 4-6, 2017: one-on-one review of you capstone project by an instructor.
January 10, 2017: Demo day! :confetti_ball:
How to Submit a Capstone Idea Proposal
Once you've spoke with an instructor during a one-on-one about your capstone idea.
Submit a proposal by creating an Issue on this repo. Your proposal should contain:
Written explanation of the value your project will provide to your users (identify your users).
List of base features
List of stretch goals
After submittal, any further discussion bewteen the student and instructors will happen on submitted issue.
A successfully accepted capstone will marked with the "Approved" label. Students are to get their issue marked with the "Approved" label by December 3rd.