nss-evening-cohort-9 / nutshell-cashew

nutshell-cashew created by GitHub Classroom
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Diary #6

Open zoeames opened 5 years ago

zoeames commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a user, I would like to keep track of my diary entries.

Acceptance Criteria


GIVEN a user wants to create a diary entry on their dashboard WHEN the user performs a gesture on a New Diary affordance THEN a form should be presented to the user in which the following information can be entered

  1. Date
  2. title
  3. entry

GIVEN a user has entered in all field values for storing a new diary entry WHEN the user performs a gesture on the Save Diary affordance THEN the diary should be saved in the database, and assigned to the user


GIVEN a user has saved diary entries WHEN the user visits their dashboard THEN the diary should be presented in the Diary component AND the user should only see diary entries that belong to their uid.


GIVEN a user wants to update a diary entry WHEN the user performs a gesture on the edit affordance THEN a form should be presented to the user AND all the information for the diary entry should pre-populate in the form AND after the user edits the information and pushes a 'Save Diary' button the data should update in firebase


GIVEN a user wants to remove a previously stored diary entry WHEN the user performs a gesture on the delete affordance THEN the diary entry should be deleted

bobbybaxter commented 5 years ago

Diary Page Wireframe

Add Diary Entry Form Wireframe