nstory / wokewindows

Code base for the Woke Windows Project
MIT License
16 stars 3 forks source link

Ceasefire Now

The Woke Windows Project

Rails Tests

This is the code base for the Woke Windows Project. Pull requests are most definitely welcome!

This is a Ruby on Rails project. For general information regarding Ruby on Rails development, I highly suggest the official Ruby on Rails Guides.

Setting Up for Development

I suggest using rbenv to download and run the correct ruby version for the project based on the .ruby-version file.

I use nvm to download and run the correct node.js version for the project based on the .nvmrc file.

You will need a local PostgreSQL Server to run the application.

Follow these steps to install interpreters, dependencies, etc.

cd wokewindows
rbenv install -s    # install ruby version in .ruby-version if not already installed
gem install bundler # gems are managed with bundle
bundle              # install gems for project
nvm use             # use nodejs version specified in .nvmrc
npm install -g yarn # install yarn using npm (lol)
yarn                # install JS libs

We use docker-compose to run the database for the app. Type docker compose up to start the database. You will need to set the variables POSTGRES_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_PORT in the .env file in the project directory.

See "Import Production Database into Dev" section below to create the database table.

Start the app in the standard rails way: bundle exec rails s

Import Production Database into Dev

Download the "dev" backup of the production database (contains all production data except the users table): https://wokewindows-data.s3.amazonaws.com/wokewindows_db.sql.gz

Import the data using the load_db_backup.sh script: ./scripts/load_db_backup.sh wokewindows_db.sql.gz

Test Suite

Running the test suite should be as simple as: bundle exec rspec

You will need to have a test database cops_test in your local PostgreSQL database (the load_db_backup.sh scripts will create this when it runs rails db:reset).

The system tests use Chrome in headless mode; they should automatically find any Chrome install on your system.

Deploy to Production

gem install kamal
kamal setup


This project is released under the MIT License.