ntheile / soundblock

Independent open source decentralized music player and community for artists and fans powered by the Blockchain (blockstack + ipfs).
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Open source music player and music discovery tool for Indepentent artists and fans powered by the Blockchain.

It supports peer (fan) to peer (artist) payments for liscensed material with no fees, no record labels, no middlemen. The artist gets 100% of the profits.

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Problem Case

Artists are making less and less money for their art, the more and more it becomes digitized. Independent music artists do still exists, such as Chance the Rapper. Although he does not share any royalties with a record label, he has to share his musical profits with 3rd party intermediaries like iTunes and Sportify and conform to their pricing schemas. Despite advances in technology, still no artist owns 100% of his music due to licenses having to be handled by trusted third parties.

Soundblock proposes self soverign music ownership for independent artists.




Soundblock is created for everyone by an open community of passionate musicians and software developers.


Global Independent Music Index

It extends the ID3 spec and adds: an mp3 hash, license, a pointer to the actual file location, and the artists digital signature (of the former).


Peer to Peer, IPFS and WebRTC

Public songs can be pinned to the artists gaia storge bucket to make sure its always available. As more users listen to the song it can be replicated across the peer to peer network using IPFS. (Think about how this can be done for encrypted songs).


How Does Soundblock make money?