ntorquet / lmt_toolkit_analysis

A tool to check the reliability and to make some analysis of data from Live Mouse Tracker (LMT) experiments.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link
analysis behavior behavioral-analysis behaviour data-science django python reliability toolkit vue3

License: GPL v3


LMT-toolkit is an open source web application created to analyse Live Mouse Tracker (LMT) data easily and intuitively. LMT stores data in SQLite files that cannot be easily manipulated without some computer skills. LMT-toolkit makes it easy to compute and extract behavior profiles for each animal tested following a step-by-step process.

LMT-toolkit also provides a report of the reliability of your LMT experiments: you get information about the experimental environment (if you use temperature/humidity/sound/light sensor), and about the acquisition quality.

Find more information about LMT on its website and publication.

LMT-toolkit uses analysis scripts that are constantly updated and improved. We do our best to verify the accuracy of the results. It is your responsibility to check data accuracy.

How to extract results

LMT-toolkit provides a step-by-step process:

Select a SQLite file

First, select the LMT SQLite file you want to analyse: alt SQLite file selection

Check the reliability

After the upload of the file, LMT-toolkit provides a report of the reliability of the experiment:

As a whole, this information will tell you whether the experiment has been carried out under the expected experimental and material conditions. alt reliability

Add animal information

You can add information about the animal (genotype, name, treatment, sex...). This information will be stored into the SQLite file and given in the result table. alt animal info

Rebuild the database

Before being extracted, behaviors must be fine-tuned. These rebuilt events are stored into the SQLite file. alt rebuild

Configure the analysis

You can choose between two types of analysis: a global analysis (Simple preset) or a report of the activity per time bin (Activity preset). alt analysis config

Save the results

Simple preset

You can see the results divided in different tables, and download the whole in CSV format. alt simple prest

Activity preset

You can see the total distance travelled by each animal and a plot of the distance per time bin. You can download the data in CSV format. alt activity preset

Behaviors extracted by LMT-toolkit

Name Representation Description
Total distance Total distance in meters travelled by the focus animal during all the experiment or between time limits.
Single move alt single move The focal animal is moving (speed > 5 m/s) without being in contact with any other animal (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Move in contact The focal animal is moving (speed > 5 m/s) while being in contact with another animal (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Stop isolated The focal animal is resting (not moving) without being in contact with any other animal (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Rear isolated alt rearing The focal animal is straightened on its hindlegs (either unsupported or against the wall). Rearing is considered when the body slope is higher than a threshold (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events). This event has to be validated!
Rear in contact The focal animal is straightened on its hindlegs (either unsupported or against the wall). Rearing is considered when the body slope is higher than a threshold (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events). This event has to be validated!
Contact alt contact The focal animal is touching another individual (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Group of 2 The focal animal is touching one and only one other individual (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events). This event has to be validated!
Group of 3 The focal animal is touching two and only two other individuals (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events). This event has to be validated!
Nose-nose alt nose-nose The focal animal is sniffing the nose of another animal (i.e., the nose is at a whisker distance from the nose of the other animal) (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Nose-anogenital alt nose-tail The focal animal is sniffing the ano-genital region of another animal (i.e., the nose is at a whisker distance from the tail basis of the other animal) (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Side-side alt side-side The flank of the focal animal is in contact with the flank of another animal; both animals head in the same direction (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Side-side head-to-tail alt side-side opposite The flank of the focal animal is in contact with the flank of another animal; both animals head in opposite directions (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Train 2 alt train2 The focal animal is moving (speed > 5 m/s) while sniffing the ano-genital region of another animal also moving (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Follow The focal animal is walking in the path of another individual: the two animals are moving at a speed >5 cm/s, the angles between the two animals are less than 45° apart, and the mass centre of the follower (the focal animal) is within a follow zone of one mean body length of width and two mean body lengths of length (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Social approach alt social approach The focal animal gets closer to another one within a circular zone of 2 body lengths around the approached animal (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Approach contact alt approach contact The focal animal gets closer to another one within a circular zone of two body lengths around the approached animal; the approach ends by a contact between the two animals (total duration, number of events, mean duration of events).
Make group 3 The focal animal is joining a group of two animals to form a group of three animals in contact (number of events). This event has to be validated!
Make group 4 The focal animal is joining a group of three animals to form a group of four animals in contact (number of events). This event has to be validated!
Break contact alt break contact The focal animal is getting away (higher speed) from the animal it has been in contact with; the speed of the focal animal is higher than the speed of the other animal (number of events).
Break group 3 The focal animal is leaving a group of three animals to let a group of two animals in contact; the focal animal has the highest speed among the three animals in contact (number of events). This event has to be validated!
Break group 4 The focal animal is leaving a group of four animals, that remain as a group of three animals in contact; the focal animal has the highest speed among the four animals in contact (number of events). This event has to be validated!

This table will be completed with each new behavior extraction possibility. This information is provided into LMT-toolkit (Documentation tab).


LMT-toolkit needs Python 3.10.

LMT-toolkit works thanks to 3 different servers:

alt LMT-toolkit schema

It is recommended to create a python virtual environment into the root folder of the application to install the python required packages.

pip install virtualenv 
virtualenv venv

Launch the virtual environment to install requirements:


To run the 3 servers, we need 3 command prompts.

Python Requirements (See requirements.txt)

Install this list with the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Database migration

cd lmt_toolkit_api
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Load data for documentation and versions

python manage.py loaddata fixtures/datatostart.json

Javascript Requirements and installations

To install the frontend part of LMT-toolkit, you should first install and configure a nuxt environment and then copy / paste the code in the environment's folder.

First, you need to install a JavaScript runtime environment like Node.js. Then you will have to install these packages using npm or yarn package managers:

Step-by-step installation procedure:

npx nuxi@3.6.2 init nuxt-frontend

Nuxt configuration:

cd nuxt-frontend
npm i

Nuxt is now installed.

Then install the packages (example with npm):

npm i vuetify@3.3.7 sass
npm i @mdi/font@7.2.96
npm install axios@1.4.0
npm install vue-chartjs@5.2.0 chart.js@4.3.0
npm install vue-json-csv@2.1.0
npm install pinia@2.1.4
npm install @pinia/nuxt@0.4.11

The nuxt environment is ready. You can then copy / paste all the folders and files from the nuxt-api folder into the nuxt-frontend one.


Celery is used to make asynchronous tasks. We need a broker to make a pip between Celery and Django. It is possible to use RabbitMQ. On windows, RabbitMQ needs erlang to work:


Download the latest version of erlang and install it.

Download RabbitMq and install it:


Once RabbitMQ is installed, it runs by itself and it is possible to access its terminal via the start menu (RabbitMQ Command Prompt).

If needed (normally it is created by default), create a new RabbitMQ user from this Command Prompt:

rabbitmqctl add_user guest

The two guests (user and password) are the ones found in the settings.py file of the Django application (already added)

broker_url = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//'

How to launch the application on a Windows computer

:warning: Warning

Make sure you have enough space on your computer!

The application downloads the file: it makes a copy of it. It then works on this copy and when the process is finished the copy is deleted. During the analysis, the application needs to store this copy. So the original database remains unchanged.

Launch the application

You need 3 terminal windows with administrator rights. Each of these terminals must remain open for the application to work.

Django server:

In the 1st terminal, go to the right folder (adapt the path according to the location of the application folder on your computer):

cd pathToTheLMTtoolkitFolder\lmt_toolkit_analysis

Activate the python virtual environment:


Go to the lmt_toolkit_analysis folder:

cd lmt_toolkit_api

Launch the Django server:

python manage.py runserver

If this works, the lines below should appear:

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
August 24, 2022 - 10:14:31
Django version 4.0.2, using settings 'lmt_toolkit_analysis.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.

Celery server

In the second terminal, go to the right folder (adapt the path according to the location of the application folder on your computer):

cd pathToTheLMTtoolkitFolder\lmt_toolkit_analysis

Activate the python virtual environment:


Go to the lmt_toolkit_analysis folder:

cd lmt_toolkit_api

Launch the Celery server:

celery -A lmt_toolkit_analysis worker -l info -P solo

If this works, the lines below should appear:

[2022-08-26 13:28:05,354: WARNING/MainProcess] No hostname was supplied. Reverting to default 'localhost'

 -------------- celery@PP2-1063-B v5.2.7 (dawn-chorus)
--- ***** -----
-- ******* ---- Windows-10-10.0.19042-SP0 2022-08-26 13:28:05
- *** --- * ---
- ** ---------- [config]
- ** ---------- .> app:         lmttoolkitanalysis:0x12a2dzkjhf20
- ** ---------- .> transport:   amqp://guest:**@localhost:5672//
- ** ---------- .> results:
- *** --- * --- .> concurrency: 16 (solo)
-- ******* ---- .> task events: OFF (enable -E to monitor tasks in this worker)
--- ***** -----
 -------------- [queues]
                .> celery           exchange=celery(direct) key=celery

  . lmt_toolkit_analysis.celery.debug_task
  . lmttoolkitanalysis.tasks.getReliability

[2022-08-26 13:28:05,402: INFO/MainProcess] Connected to amqp://guest:**@
[2022-08-26 13:28:05,408: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: searching for neighbors
[2022-08-26 13:28:05,413: WARNING/MainProcess] No hostname was supplied. Reverting to default 'localhost'
[2022-08-26 13:28:06,444: INFO/MainProcess] mingle: all alone
[2022-08-26 13:28:06,458: WARNING/MainProcess] C:\Users\admin\Documents\GitHub\lmt_toolkit_analysis\venv\lib\site-packages\celery\fixups\django.py:203: UserWarning: Using settings.DEBUG leads to a memory
            leak, never use this setting in production environments!
  warnings.warn('''Using settings.DEBUG leads to a memory

[2022-08-26 13:28:06,458: INFO/MainProcess] celery@PP2-1063-B ready.

Nuxt Vue.js server

In the 3rd terminal, go to the right folder (adapt the path according to the location of the application folder on your computer):

cd pathToTheLMTtoolkitFolder\nuxt-frontend

Launch the server:

npm run dev

If this works, the lines below should appear:

Nuxi 3.4.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                    16:12:58
Nuxt 3.4.1 with Nitro 2.3.3                                                                                                                                                                                                   16:12:58
  > Local:    http://localhost:3000/                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  > Network:                                                                                                                                                                                                
  > Network:       

Use one of these url in your internet browser to use LMT-toolkit.


LMT-toolkit analysis is released under the GPL v3.0 licence. See the LICENSE file.

Copyright (C) 2022 CNRS - INSERM - UNISTRA - ICS - IGBMC

LMT-toolkit uses the LMT-analysis code provided on GitHub. This code is also under the GPL v3.0 licence.

Features attributions:

Code for LMT analysis on GitHub

Mice in the different behavioural events drawn by P. Dugast (from the Live Mouse Tracker publication, DOI: 10.1038/s41551-019-0396-1)

Mouse favicon created by Good Ware - Flaticon