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MARC 245 parallel titles again #221

Open kiegel opened 9 years ago

kiegel commented 9 years ago

The code to detect and handle parallel titles in field 245 (see #96) is causing problems and extra parallel title entries when catalogers have accounted for the parallel titles.

245 00 |a FAO statistical yearbook = |b Annuaire statistique de la FAO = Anuario estadístico de la FAO = Liang nong zu zhi tong ji nian jian. 245 00 |a FAO statistical yearbook = |b Annuaire statistique de la FAO = Anuario estadístico de la FAO = 粮农组织统计年鉴. 246 31 |a Annuaire statistique de la FAO 246 31 |a Anuario estadístico de la FAO 246 31 |a Liang nong zu zhi tong ji nian jian 246 31 |a 粮农组织统计年鉴 (880 non-roman parallel fields are shown as duplicate entries)


<http://example.org/99127025400001452title41> a bf:Title ;
    bf:subtitle " Anuario estadístico de la FAO = Liang nong zu zhi tong ji nian jian." ;
    bf:titleValue "FAO statistical yearbook ",
        "FAO statistical yearbook = Annuaire statistique de la FAO = Anuario estadístico de la FAO = 粮农组织统计年鉴."@en .

<http://example.org/99127025400001452title42> a bf:Title ;
    bf:titleType "parallel" ;
    bf:titleValue "Annuaire statistique de la FAO = Anuario estadístico de la FAO = Liang nong zu zhi tong ji nian jian." .

<http://example.org/99127025400001452title43> a bf:Title ;
    bf:titleType "parallel" ;
    bf:titleValue "Annuaire statistique de la FAO" .

<http://example.org/99127025400001452title44> a bf:Title ;
    bf:titleType "parallel" ;
    bf:titleValue "Anuario estadístico de la FAO" .

<http://example.org/99127025400001452title45> a bf:Title ;
    bf:titleType "parallel" ;
    bf:titleValue "Liang nong zu zhi tong ji nian jian",
        "粮农组织统计年鉴"@en .

<http://example.org/99127025400001452title5> a bf:Title ;
    bf:subtitle " Anuario estadístico de la FAO = Liang nong zu zhi tong ji nian jian." ;
    bf:titleValue "FAO statistical yearbook ",
        "FAO statistical yearbook = Annuaire statistique de la FAO = Anuario estadístico de la FAO = 粮农组织统计年鉴."@en .

Title42 is the entry generated programmatically by the first equal sign in field 245. It is not really correct in that it strings together three different parallel titles.

Title43, title44 and title45 are generated from the 246 fields. Note that title43 makes title42 unnecessary.

More serious problems occur in title41 (instanceTitle) and title5 (workTitle). Both are missing the French parallel title (Annuaire statistique de la FAO) at the beginning of bf:subtitle. In other words, the subtitle should be: Annuaire statistique de la FAO = Anuario estadístico de la FAO = Liang nong zu zhi tong ji nian jian rather than Anuario estadístico de la FAO = Liang nong zu zhi tong ji nian jian.

(OCLC # 60444783)