ntra00 / marc2bibframe

Convert marc to BIBFRAME 1.0 - see lcnetdev/marc2bibframe2 for current release
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XQuery utility to convert MARC/XML Bibliographic records to BIBFRAME resources.

This XQuery version was developed by the Library of Congress Network Development and MARC Standards Office. This transformation is under development and does not at this time represent a canonical transformation of MARC Bib data to BIBFRAME resources. It is made available for evaluation and comment.

NOTE: The Python version of this code was split off into its own repository. See http://github.com/lcnetdev/marc2bibframe-python

Xquery scripts are provided for MarkLogic, Saxon, and Zorba.

Parameters (HTTP for ml.xqy; external for saxon.xqy; external for zorba.xqy):

marcxmluri  - Path to MARC/XML file.  File can be retrieved over 
              HTTP (begin http://) or from the filesystem. 
baseuri     - Base URI for generated resources. Default is http://example.org
serialization   - rdfxml (default), rdfxml-raw, ntriples, json, exhibitJSON
          rdfxml=flattened RDF/XML, everything has an identifier
          rdfxml-raw=Verbose, cascaded output.
usebnodes   - true/false(default). Whether bnodes should identify resources instaed of http URIs. 

Specific Processor Notes

ml.xqy - intended for the MarkLogic Database and Application 
    Server (http://community.marklogic.com/docs).  This expects an HTTP 
    application server.  Set up an application server with the location 
    of this package 
    as the root and (purely as an example) go to 


saxon.xqy can be used with the Saxon XSLT and Xquery Processor.  This 
    has been tested using the Saxon processor in Eclipse and Oxygen. 
    This requires a saxon9he.jar version 9.5.x or earlier.  
    Saxon can be run from the command line or through either of the two 
    previously mentioned applications.  For more about Saxon see 

java -cp /path/to/saxon9he.jar net.sf.saxon.Query saxon.xqy marcxmluri=/path/to/marc/xml/file baseuri=http://my-base-uri/ serialization=rdfxml

saxon3.xqy can be used with the Saxon XSLT and XQuery processor version 9.6 or later and supports XQuery 3.0.

zorba.xqy can be used with the Zorba Xquery processor.  
    For more about see http://www.zorba-xquery.com/  Run from the 
    command line with:

zorba -i -f -q zorba.xqy -e marcxmluri:="http://location/of/marcxml.xml" -e serialization:="rdfxml" -e baseuri:="http://base/"

Exhibit Display

To get the Exhibit display to work for the Xquery, set the serialization
parameter to "exhibitJSON".

The Exhibit JSON output should be saved as a file named


in the html/data directory.  You can copy and paste this into 
the correctly named file or, if running the command line, pipe the output 
to html/data/data.json.

Afterwards, simply open the exhibit.html file in a browser.

Note:  For Zorba and Saxon, you will need to add a runtime parameter
to the command to instruct the processor to omit the XML declaration.

For Saxon, add: '!method=text'
E.g.: java -cp /path/to/saxon9he.jar net.sf.saxon.Query saxon.xqy '!method=text' [ other params, as above ]

For Zorba, add: -r
E,g,: zorba -i -r -f -q zorba.xqy [ other params, as above ]

Changes (Generally see the commit history http://github.com/lcnetdev/marc2bibframe/commits/master)

Jun 5 2013
    Removed Python tree, see http://github.com/lcnetdev/marc2bibframe-python

Mar 1 2013
    Output data in closer alignment with vocabulary terms.

Jan 11 2013
    Exhibit JSON output plus Exhibit display.
    Default serialization is flattened RDF/XML (original, 
        verbose version is "raw")
    Added additional support for 630, 730, 740, 830 relationships.
    Bug fixes to work through Stanford MARC files.

Dec 21 2012
    (Some) Support for 7XXs
    Support for 880s
    Added HierarchicalGeorgraphic support
    Do something with 264.

Dec 6 2012
    Initial publication.