ntra00 / marc2bibframe

Convert marc to BIBFRAME 1.0 - see lcnetdev/marc2bibframe2 for current release
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MARC 246 $i and non-roman script #225

Open kiegel opened 9 years ago

kiegel commented 9 years ago

The display text in $i of field 246 may contain non-roman script, and it does not generate an additional bf:titleType.

246 1 |i Title on cover of shou cang wen ji: |a Shao yun er shi, jing dian zai Xian 880 1 |i Title on cover of 收藏文輯: |a 少蘊而始, 經典再現


<http://example.org/99161808355801452title26> a bf:Title ;
    bf:titleType "Title on cover of shou zang wen ji:" ;
    bf:titleValue "Shao yun er shi, jing dian zai xian",
        "少蘊而始, 經典再現"@zh .

(OCLC # 897754347)