ntra00 / marc2bibframe

Convert marc to BIBFRAME 1.0 - see lcnetdev/marc2bibframe2 for current release
64 stars 20 forks source link

Agent of original work #233

Open kiegel opened 9 years ago

kiegel commented 9 years ago

When a record for a translation is converted, the program creates a Work for the original title, and the agent link for this work has a poorly formed label.

For example,

100 1_ |a Hesse, Hermann, |d 1877-1962. 240 10 |a Unterm Rad. |l English


<http://example.org/99161787763601452work8> a bf:Work ;
    bf:authorizedAccessPoint "Unterm Rad." ;
    bf:creator <http://example.org/99161787763601452agent13> ;
    bf:title "Unterm Rad." ;
    madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "Unterm Rad." .

<http://example.org/99161787763601452agent13> a bf:Agent ;
    bf:label "Hesse, Hermann," .

Note that the label of the agent link contains only $a. It should include all subfields present in the field from which the information is taken: in this case, $a and $d.

(OCLC # 51518461)