ntra00 / marc2bibframe

Convert marc to BIBFRAME 1.0 - see lcnetdev/marc2bibframe2 for current release
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bf:label in held item link #235

Open kiegel opened 9 years ago

kiegel commented 9 years ago

When two LC call numbers appear in a record, both are placed in the shelfMarkLcc property, but only the first one is in the associated bf:label. It seems that both call numbers should be in the label. It does not appear to depend on indicator values.

First example:

050 _4 |a HN700.55.A8 |b B355 2011 050 00 |a HQ799.T5 |b B36 2011

<http://example.org/99155764250001452helditem47> a bf:HeldItem ;
    bf:holdingFor <http://example.org/99155764250001452instance21> ;
    bf:label "HN700.55.A8 B355 2011" ;
    bf:shelfMarkLcc "HN700.55.A8 B355 2011",
        "HQ799.T5 B36 2011" .

(OCLC # 757718798)

Second example:

050 00 |a PM7802 |b .A86 2013 050 14 |a G1046.E365 |b A84 2013

<http://example.org/99160066670001452helditem72> a bf:HeldItem ;
    bf:holdingFor <http://example.org/99160066670001452instance35> ;
    bf:label "PM7802 .A86 2013" ;
    bf:shelfMarkLcc "G1046.E365 A84 2013",
        "PM7802 .A86 2013" .

(OCLC # 839396764)