ntra00 / marc2bibframe

Convert marc to BIBFRAME 1.0 - see lcnetdev/marc2bibframe2 for current release
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MARC $3 #238

Open kiegel opened 9 years ago

kiegel commented 9 years ago

Subfield 3 (Materials specified) is used in many MARC fields and needs a big-picture solution. Here are a couple of examples of how it is not currently working.

546 __ |3 pt. 1-2: |b Braille code


bf:languageNote "pt. 1-2:" ; bf:notation "Braille code" ;

In this case, part of an atlas is in Braille (text) and part is spoken word. Field 546 provides information on the notation of the tactile portion of the work. Clearly, $3 does not belong in bf:languageNote: it is not language information.

655 _7 |3 pt. 3: |a Audiobooks. |2 lcgft


<http://example.org/99114994120001452topic24> a bf:Topic ;
    bf:authoritySource "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcgft" ;
    bf:authorizedAccessPoint "pt. 3:--Audiobooks" ;
    bf:hasAuthority [ a madsrdf:Authority,
                madsrdf:GenreForm ;
            madsrdf:authoritativeLabel "pt. 3:--Audiobooks" ;
            madsrdf:isMemberOfMADSScheme <http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/subjectSchemes/lcgft> ] ;
    bf:label "pt. 3:--Audiobooks" .

The genre heading pertains only to pt. 3 of the work. Clearly, $3 should not be included in the authorized access point: it is not genre/form information.

It seems that we need to create URIs for portions of an Instance or Work, and then relate the necessary information to these portions. For this title, if we had a link for pts. 1-2, we could say they are in Braille notation, and if we had a link for pt. 3, we could say that it has Audiobooks as a genre/form heading.

(OCLC # 12137694)