ntra00 / marc2bibframe

Convert marc to BIBFRAME 1.0 - see lcnetdev/marc2bibframe2 for current release
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consistent alignment? #248

Open ndushay opened 9 years ago

ndushay commented 9 years ago

I've been reading this code a fair bit lately, especially modules/module.MBIB-2-BIBFRAME-Shared.xqy, and I have been a bit frustrated by the seeming randomness of the indentation. For example, see https://github.com/lcnetdev/marc2bibframe/blob/master/modules/module.MBIB-2-BIBFRAME-Shared.xqy#L427.

It would be fantastic if the files could be cleaned up to use consistent whitespace. I am willing to do this and submit a pull request, but since it will probably mess up a LOT of lines, I am disinclined to do so if folks working on the code are opposed.

If this is desired, let me know. It may also imply that further contributions by anyone should adhere to a specific whitespace practice. Typically, it is 2 spaces for an indent, and don't use tabs.

ntra00 commented 9 years ago

Development on this has been focussed on "get something working" and "change it to work this way", while we're in experimentation mode, to the detriment of readability and consistency, I"m sorry to say. We are going to have major changes to the vocabulary, so we will probably wait until after that for a major overhaul of the code. That said, go ahead, if you have the time and would find it useful.