nttcslab / m2d

Masked Modeling Duo: Towards a Universal Audio Pre-training Framework
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audio masked-autoencoder masked-modeling-duo self-supervised-learning

Masked Modeling Duo (M2D)

This repository provides demo implementations of our paper "Masked Modeling Duo: Towards a Universal Audio Pre-training Framework", "Masked Modeling Duo: Learning Representations by Encouraging Both Networks to Model the Input", and so on.

Pre-trained/Fine-tuned Weights

AudioSet pre-trained weights

Weight Recommendation Description Fur-PT Ready AS2M mAP
m2d_clap_vit_base-80x1001p16x16-240128_AS-FT_enconly Best for audio tagging (AT) / sound event detection (SED). (Encoder only) M2D-CLAP fine-tuned on AS2M N/A 0.485
m2d_as_vit_base-80x1001p16x16-240213_AS-FT_enconly 2nd best for AT/SED. (Encoder only) M2D-AS fine-tuned on AS2M N/A 0.485
m2d_vit_base-80x1001p16x16-221006-mr7_as_46ab246d 3rd best for AT/SED. (Encoder only) M2D/0.7 fine-tuned on AS2M N/A 0.479
m2d_vit_base-80x200p16x4-230529 General-purpose transfer learning and further pre-training w/ finer time frame. M2D/0.7 (t.f. 40ms) -
m2d_clap_vit_base-80x608p16x16-240128 General-purpose transfer learning and further pre-training, especially when application data is closer to the AudioSet ontology. M2D-CLAP -
m2d_as_vit_base-80x608p16x16-240213 General-purpose transfer learning and further pre-training, especially when application data is closer to the AudioSet ontology. M2D-AS -
m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-221006-mr7 General-purpose transfer learning and further pre-training. M2D/0.7 -
m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-221006-mr6 General-purpose transfer learning and further pre-training. M2D/0.6 -
m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-221006-mr7_enconly General-purpose transfer learning. (Encoder only) M2D/0.7 N/A -
m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-220930-mr7_enconly General-purpose transfer learning. (Encoder only) M2D/0.7 N/A -
Weight Recommendation Description Fur-PT Ready AS2M mAP
m2d_as_vit_base-80x1001p16x16p32k-240413_AS-FT_enconly Best for audio tagging (AT) / sound event detection (SED) at 32 kHz. M2D-AS fine-tuned on AS2M@32kHz N/A 0.480
m2d_as_vit_base-80x608p16x16p32k-240413_enconly General-purpose transfer learning at 32 kHz. (Encoder only) M2D-AS@32kHz N/A -

LibriSpeech pre-trained weights

Weight Recommendation Description Fur-PT Ready AS2M mAP
m2d_s_vit_base-80x608p80x2-230220 Speech transfer learning and further pre-training. M2D-S/0.6 6-s input -
m2d_s_vit_base-80x512p80x2-230301 Speech transfer learning and further pre-training. M2D-S/0.6 5-s input -
m2d_s_vit_base-80x400p80x2-230201 Speech transfer learning and further pre-training. M2D-S/0.6 4-s input -

Quick Start

Description Notebook
Audio tagging example Open In Colab examples/Colab_M2D_example_Tagging.ipynb
Zero-shot ESC-50 classification with M2D-CLAP Open In Colab examples/Colab_M2D-CLAP_ESC-50_ZS.ipynb
Audio feature visualization example with M2D-CLAP Open In Colab examples/Colab_M2D-CLAP_ESC-50_VizualizeEmbs.ipynb

You can use simple code to load an M2D model and encode your audio.

# Create a model and load pre-trained weights.
from examples.portable_m2d import PortableM2D  # The portable_m2d is a simple one-file loader.
model = PortableM2D('m2d_as_vit_base-80x1001p16x16-240213_AS-FT_enconly/weights_ep69it3124-0.48494.pth')

# Prepare test audios. (a dummy example of three 10-s waveforms)
import torch
batch_audio = 2 * torch.rand((3, 10 * 16000)) - 1.0 # input range = [-1., 1]

# Encode raw audio into frame-level features.
frame_level = model(batch_audio)
print(frame_level.shape)  # torch.Size([3, 63, 3840]). 3 frame-level 3840-d feature vectors for 63 time frames.

# Make clip-level features by averaging frame-level features along time frames.
clip_level = torch.mean(frame_level, dim=1)
print(clip_level.shape)  # torch.Size([3, 3840])

Application Resources

👉 Application Guide (alpha) is available. -- Our guidelines may provide useful information on how to plan further pre-train your models.

A guide chart

A schematic illustration of M2D-X further pre-training:

A schematic illustration of M2D-X further pre-training

1. Setup

The repository is based on the codes from facebookresearch/mae, and we patch our changes on these files.

  1. Download external source files and apply a patch.

    git clone
    cd m2d
    curl -o util/
    curl -o util/
    curl -o util/
    curl -o util/
    curl -o util/
    curl -o m2d/
    curl -o
    curl -o speech/
    curl -o audioset/
    curl -o clap/
    curl -o
    curl -o m2d/
    curl -o m2d/
    curl -o m2d/
    patch -p1 < patch_m2d.diff
  2. Install external modules listed on requirements.txt.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Evaluating M2D

We use the EVAR for our evaluation.

2-1. Setup EVAR

EVAR is an evaluation package for audio representations used by our research papers such as BYOL-A.

The following steps setup EVAR.

  1. In the folder of your copy of the M2D repository, clone the EVAR repository and prepare basic items.

    (cd to your M2D folder)
    git clone evar
    cd evar
    curl -o evar/utils/
    curl -o evar/
    curl -o evar/
    cd ..
  2. Setup downstream task datasets according to The following is an example for setting up CREMA-D dataset.

    cd evar
    python evar/utils/ downloads/cremad
    python downloads/cremad work/16k/cremad 16000
    cd ..

2-2. Linear Evaluation

Once you setup the EVAR, you can evaluate your models as follows.

We used the script to evaluate on all downstream tasks.

2-3. Fine-tuning

We have fin-tuned our models using the scripts in the util folder.

The following examples will fine-tune on each task for three times with the random seed 43, 44, and 45, and the m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-221006-mr7/checkpoint-300.pth will be tested. Replace the /your/path/to/m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-221006-mr7 to yours.

cd evar
bash (your m2d)/util/ /your/path/to/m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-221006-mr7 3 42 300
bash (your m2d)/util/ /your/path/to/m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-221006-mr7 3 42 300
bash (your m2d)/util/ /your/path/to/m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-221006-mr7 3 42 300
bash (your m2d)/util/ /your/path/to/m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-221006-mr7 3 42 300
bash (your m2d)/util/ /your/path/to/m2d_vit_base-80x608p16x16-221006-mr7 3 42 300

NOTE: Please set your data path in the util/

The requires the path to your log-mel spectrogram AudioSet samples in .npy, configure the script with yours.

3. Pre-training From Scratch

3-1. Prepare pre-training data samples

The pre-trainer (e.g., for audio) loads data from the data folder by default (--data_path), using a list of samples in a CSV data/files_audioset.csv by default (--dataset). Follow the steps in data/

The following is an example using the FSD50K dataset.

  1. Preprocess .wav files into log-mel spectrogram .npy files. The following converts from a source folder /your/local/fsd50k/FSD50K.dev_audio to a new folder data/fsd50k_lms.

    python /your/local/fsd50k/FSD50K.dev_audio data/fsd50k_lms
  2. Create a CSV file that will be used as a list of pre-training samples, containing a single column file_name. The following example creates files_f_s_d_5_0_k.csv.

    echo file_name > data/files_f_s_d_5_0_k.csv
    (cd data && find fsd50k_lms/FSD50K.dev_audio -name "*.npy") >> data/files_f_s_d_5_0_k.csv

Example of created folder structure:


3-2. Start pre-training

Once your data is ready, start pre-training as follows.

python --dataset data/files_fssd50k.csv

3-3. Evalidation during and after the training

The training loop automatically evaluates the pre-trained model.

3-4. Complete pre-training command lines

The command lines for pre-training full-performance models follow:

# M2D
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 -m train_audio --input_size 80x608 --patch_size 16x16 --epochs 300 --batch_size 512 --accum_iter 1 --save_freq 50 --seed 3 --model m2d_vit_base --csv_main data/files_audioset.csv --data_path /path/to/your/data --loss_off 0.
# M2D-AS
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 torchrun --nproc_per_node=4 -m audioset.train_as --input_size 80x608 --patch_size 16x16 --epochs 300 --batch_size 512 --accum_iter 1 --save_freq 50 --seed 3 --data_path /path/to/your/data --loss_off 1.

Example logs are available:

We explain the details in the

4. Other Pre-trained/fine-tuned Weights

Please find all pre-trained/fine-tuned weights published on the releases.

5. License

See LICENSE.pdf for details.


If you find our M2D useful in your research, please consider citing our papers.

    title   = {{Masked Modeling Duo: Towards a Universal Audio Pre-training Framework}},
    author  = {Daisuke Niizumi and Daiki Takeuchi and Yasunori Ohishi and Noboru Harada and Kunio Kashino},
    journal = {IEEE/ACM Trans. Audio, Speech, Language Process.},
    year    = {2024},
    volume  = {32},
    pages   = {2391-2406},
    url     = {},
    doi     = {10.1109/TASLP.2024.3389636}}

    title   = {{M2D-CLAP: Masked Modeling Duo Meets CLAP for Learning General-purpose Audio-Language Representation}},
    author  = {Daisuke Niizumi and Daiki Takeuchi and Yasunori Ohishi and Noboru Harada and Masahiro Yasuda and Shunsuke Tsubaki and Keisuke Imoto},
    journal = {to appear at Interspeech},
    year    = {2024},
    url     = {}}

    title   = {{Masked Modeling Duo: Learning Representations by Encouraging Both Networks to Model the Input}},
    author  = {Daisuke Niizumi and Daiki Takeuchi and Yasunori Ohishi and Noboru Harada and Kunio Kashino},
    booktitle={ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, 
    year    = {2023},
    url     = {},
    doi     = {10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10097236}}

    title   = {{Masked Modeling Duo for Speech: Specializing General-Purpose Audio Representation to Speech using Denoising Distillation}},
    author  = {Daisuke Niizumi and Daiki Takeuchi and Yasunori Ohishi and Noboru Harada and Kunio Kashino},
    year    = {2023},
    booktitle={Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023},
    pages   = {1294--1298},
    doi     = {10.21437/Interspeech.2023-221}}

    title   = {{Exploring Pre-trained General-purpose Audio Representations for Heart Murmur Detection}},
    author  = {Daisuke Niizumi and Daiki Takeuchi and Yasunori Ohishi and Noboru Harada and Kunio Kashino},
    journal = {to appear at IEEE EMBC},
    year    = {2024},
    url     = {}}


We appreciate these publicly available implementations and all the modules our experiments heavily depend on!
