What is Jaqpot
Jaqpot v4 (Quattro) is a REST application developed under the eNanoMapper project (http://www.enanomapper.net) that supports model training and data preprocessing algorithms such as multiple linear regression, support vector machines, neural networks, an implementation of the leverage algorithm for domain of applicability estimation and various data preprocessing algorithms like PLS and scaling.
How to run Jaqpot using Docker
You can download the Jaqpot docker image and start a container with the following commands:
docker pull jaqpot/jaqpot-core
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --net="host" jaqpot/jaqpot-core
In order to run Jaqpot core services, a local instance of MongoDB is needed.
Jaqpot is configured to find it running on port: 27017 (Mongo default).
You can run a MongoDB container with the following commands:
docker pull mongo
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 mongo
After running the containers successfully you can browse Jaqpot API from this url: