Monolithe is a Python toolset that can transform a set a specification to something else, like a sdk or a documentation.
It provides the monogen
command that will transform the specification into the specified language.
The specifications are a set of files containing json data describing one object per file, its properties and their characteristics, and its position in the api hierarchy.
For more info, please read the [Monolithe Specifications Reference](doc/Specifications
In addition to the specifications, Monolithe uses a configuration that describes all the information relative to your sdk. For instance, you can set its name, the class prefix, some vanilla files, the license, and so on.
For more info, please read the [Monolithe Configuration & Vanilla Reference](doc/Configuration & Vanilla
Monolithe is not monolithic! While it provides three default transformers (Python, Go and HTML), you can create your own compatible language plugins.
For more info, please read the [Language Plugins Documentation](doc/Language
This repository contains a full small example on how to use Monolithe, located in the examples
For more info, please read the [ToDoList Tutorial](doc/ToDoList
And remember, kids! You should always be using a virtualenv.
Install Monolithe by running the following command:
pip install git+
command will generate a sdk using specifications from a local folder. It also handles git repositories in case you want to generate an SDK from multiple branches of the same repository.
usage: monogen [-h] [-b [branches [branches ...]]] -f folder [-c config_path]
[--vanilla-prefix VANILLA_PREFIX]
[--generation-version GENERATION_VERSION] [-L LANGUAGE]
Generates a SDK according from a specification set
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b [branches [branches ...]], --branches [branches [branches ...]]
The branches of the specifications to use to generate
the documentation (examples: "master 3.2")
-f folder, --folder folder
Path of the specifications folder. If set, all other
attributes will be ignored
-c config_path, --config config_path
Path the monolithe configuration file
--vanilla-prefix VANILLA_PREFIX
Prefix added to all vanilla path declared in the
monolithe configuration file
--generation-version GENERATION_VERSION
Overwrite the sdk version given in monolithe.conf
Choose the output language of the SDK. Default is