nucobot / RealSense

ROS driver for RealSense depth camera
MIT License
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ROS driver for RealSense depth camera


This code is based on ROS usb_cam node, which code was adapted to communicte with Intel RealSense RGB-D camera. This code was tested on

Setting Everything Up

  1. This manual assumes you have successfully installed ROS Hydro on Ubuntu (the code was tested on Ubuntu 12.04)
  2. Useful ROS HOWTO's:
  3. It might be necessary to install some additional libraries to successfully compile the code. I'll maybe write about this one day, but at the moment you have to look at the compiler errors and set everything up yourself, sorry ;) No further libraries were required on Ubuntu 15.04 with sudo apt-get install ros-jade-desktop-full
  4. After you have created catkin workspace simply copy downloaded (or directly checkout from the repo) realsense_cam package in your src folder and catkin_make it:
        cd ~/catkin_ws/src
        git clone
        cd ../

Manage The Node

  1. realsense_cam package has a launch file. You can examine it and use as a template for your own one, or use as it is.
  2. DO NOT forget to configure rgb_devive and depth_device tags at the top of the launch file (it should be something like /dev/video<n>, where n is some number. Run ls /dev | grep video to see all video devices.
        roscd realsense_cam
        gedit ./launch/realsense_cam.launch
  3. Run the launch file: roslaunch realsense_cam realsense_cam.launch
  4. If the camera crashes after a few seconds, ensure that the USB port supplies enough current.