nucypher / HEAAN.jl

Implementation of HEAAN in Julia
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A Julia implementation of the HEAAN scheme

Master branch: CircleCI codecov


This is an implementation of:

J. H. Cheon, A. Kim, M. Kim, and Y. Song, "Homomorphic Encryption for Arithmetic of Approximate Numbers," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10624 LNCS, pp. 409–437 (2017),

and partially

J. H. Cheon, K. Han, A. Kim, M. Kim, and Y. Song, "Improved Bootstrapping for Approximate Homomorphic Encryption," eprint 2018/1043.

For the further development of this scheme one can refer to

J. H. Cheon, K. Han, A. Kim, M. Kim, and Y. Song, "A Full RNS Variant of Approximate Homomorphic Encryption," eprint 2018/931.

The implementation is based on the reference C++ code.

A simple example

The following example illustrates basics of working with the library. For more examples see examples/basic.jl and test/api.test.jl in the repository.

First, we import the required libraries and initialize constants:

using Random
using HEAAN

# Polynomial length and full modulus determine the security of the scheme
params = Params(log_polynomial_length=8, log_lo_modulus=300)

# Vector size
# The maximum vector size is polynomial_length / 2
n = 2^6

# Initial precision for ciphertexts (that is, the absolute precision is 1/2^30)
log_precision = 30

# Initial precision cap for ciphertexts
# Gets consumed during e.g. multiplication
log_cap = 200

rng = MersenneTwister(123)

Then we need to create keys. A secret key is required to decrypt ciphertexts and initialize public keys. There are several different public keys in HEAAN; in this example we will only use two: the one required for encryption, and the one required for multiplication. Addition of ciphertexts can be performed without a key.

secret_key = SecretKey(rng, params)

# Public key used for encryption
enc_key = EncryptionKey(rng, secret_key)

# Public key used for multiplication
mul_key = MultiplicationKey(rng, secret_key)

We create two complex-valued vectors of length n and initialize the reference array.

v1 = rand(rng, n) + im * rand(rng, n)
v2 = rand(rng, n) + im * rand(rng, n)

# Reference calculation
ref = x .* y .+ x

Use enc_key to create initial ciphertexts. log_precision specifies the absolute precision for encrypted values; log_cap is essentially the "resource" that gets spent during arithmetic operations on ciphertexts. Naturally, log_cap should be greater than log_precision.

# Encrypt the initial vectors
c1 = encrypt(rng, enc_key, v1, log_precision, log_cap)
c2 = encrypt(rng, enc_key, v2, log_precision, log_cap)

println("Before: precision=$(c1.log_precision), cap=$(c1.log_cap)")

# output
Before: precision=30, cap=200

We start from performing the (elementwise) multiplication.

t1 = mul(mul_key, c1, c2)

println("After multiplication: precision=$(t1.log_precision), cap=$(t1.log_cap)")

# output
After multiplication: precision=60, cap=200

Note that the precision of the result is the sum of the precisions of ciphertexts, while the cap remained the same. This means that you cannot just multiply indefinitely --- after several iterations you will lose the encrypted information. This problem is solved by bootstrap() which increases the difference between precision and log_cap, essentially adding the "computation resource".

Another consequence of this is that now t1 and c1 which we want to add together have different log_cap. In order to add() them, both their log_cap and log_precision must be equal. There are two functions that help with that: rescale_by() and mod_down_by(). The former decreases both log_cap and log_precision by the same amount; the latter just decreases log_cap. As it happens, in our case we need both of them.

t2 = rescale_by(t1, 30)

println("After rescale: precision=$(t2.log_precision), cap=$(t2.log_cap)")

t3 = mod_down_by(c1, 30)

println("After mod_down: precision=$(t3.log_precision), cap=$(t3.log_cap)")

# output
After rescale: precision=30, cap=170
After mod_down: precision=30, cap=170

Now that the parameters are equalized, we can call add() and decrypt the result.

cres = add(t2, t3)

res = decrypt(secret_key, cres)
ref = reference(v1, v2)

for i in 1:n
    println("$i-th element: diff=$(abs(res[i] - ref[i]))")

# output
1-th element: diff=1.8071040828704262e-8
2-th element: diff=4.8677934407457675e-8
3-th element: diff=3.612811639903806e-8
4-th element: diff=2.9650269405023588e-8

As you can see, the calculation is accurate to about 25 bits.