nudelbrot / dnd

simple pixelart map creator
GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link

DnD Map Creator



lm == left mouse button, rm == right mouse button


trigger(/alt-trigger) action
esc(/space) center viewport to (0/0)
w(/up-arrow/scroll-up) set viewport to (-0/-1)
a(/left-arrow/shift + scroll-up) set viewport to (-1/-0)
s(/down-arrow/scroll-down) set viewport to (+0/-1)
d(/right-arrow/shift + scroll-down) set viewport to (+1/+0)
[1..10] + shift setjumppoint [1..10] at current viewport
[1..10] set viewport to jumppoint [1..10]
backspace(/^) switch viewport to latest position before a jump

Pencil Tool

trigger(/alt-trigger) action
lm-click(/hold) change cell(s) color to foreground color
rm-click(/hold) change cell(s) color to background color
ctrl + lm-click change foreground color to cell color
ctrl + rm-click change background color to cell color
shift + lm-hold draw straight line with foreground color
shift + rm-hold draw straight line with background color

Path Tool

trigger action
lm-click add point. if thats the second click, draw a fg-colored line
rm-click add point. if thats the second click, draw a bg-colored line
lm-click + shift add point. if a point already exist, draw a fg-colored line afterwards remove the previous point
rm-click + shift add point. if a point already exist, draw a bg-colored line afterwards remove the previous point

Bucket Tool

trigger action
lm-click fill area with foreground color
rm-click fill area with background color
lm-click on background change the color of the background to foreground color
rm-click on background change the color of the background to background color

Re-render Map

trigger action
r re-render map if anything seems broken