nudj / components

Reusable React components from the nudj platform
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Reusable React components from the nudj platform



  1. Docker
  2. Make


  1. make build to build the test image
  2. make test to run the tests one time
  3. make tdd to run the tdd watcher

Publishing new versions

  1. Pull latest from origin/develop
  2. Increment package.json version
  3. Commit the change with the commit message Set [x.x.x]
  4. Push change onto origin/develop
  5. Checkout to latest master
  6. Merge latest develop into master using git merge origin/develop --no-ff, with the commit message of Release [x.x.x]
  7. Push change onto origin/master
  8. Tag the version using git tag [x.x.x]
  9. Push the tag: git push origin --tags
  10. Copy the release notes: git --no-pager log [PREVIOUS_VERSION_TAG]..[NEW_VERSION_TAG] --pretty=format:'- %s %H ' --reverse --no-merges | pbcopy
  11. Put the release notes on the relevant release on GitHub