nukdcbear / terraform-aws-asg-spinup

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Terraform AWS ASG Spinup

Table of Contents


Example Terraform code to spinup an AWS auto scaling group of EC2 instances with a load balancer creating a Route53 record for the ALB.

This example is using a NGINX Ubuntu based AMI and will interact with Venafi DevOpsACCELERATE to generate a test cert and configure the ALB instance for https.


System Requirements

This can be executed on either a Windows or Linux system

Must set environment variables for AWS credentials; access key and secret key and Venafi credentials; api and zone.

AWS S3 bucket for backend state storage.

Ubuntu based AMI with NGINX installed


# Clone the respository
git clone

# cd in the directory
cd terraform-aws-asg-spinup

# Execute Terraform
terraform init -backend-config="<AWS S3 bucket>" -backend-config="key=<tfstate path/file>"
terraform plan -out=mytfplan
terraform apply mytfplan