The OAuth 2.0 server-side implementation written in Scala.
This provides OAuth 2.0 server-side functionality and supporting function for Play Framework and Akka HTTP.
The idea of this library originally comes from oauth2-server which is Java implementation of OAuth 2.0.
This library supports all grant types.
and an access token type called Bearer.
See the project
See the project
Add scala-oauth2-core
library dependencies of your project.
In this case, you need to implement your own OAuth provider working with web framework you use.
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.nulab-inc" %% "scala-oauth2-core" % "1.6.0"
Whether you use Play Framework or not, you have to implement DataHandler
trait and make it work with your own User
class that may be already defined in your application.
case class User(id: Long, name: String, hashedPassword: String)
class MyDataHandler extends DataHandler[User] {
def validateClient(maybeClientCredential: Option[ClientCredential], request: AuthorizationRequest): Future[Boolean] = ???
def findUser(maybeClientCredential: Option[ClientCredential], request: AuthorizationRequest): Future[Option[User]] = ???
def createAccessToken(authInfo: AuthInfo[User]): Future[AccessToken] = ???
def getStoredAccessToken(authInfo: AuthInfo[User]): Future[Option[AccessToken]] = ???
def refreshAccessToken(authInfo: AuthInfo[User], refreshToken: String): Future[AccessToken] = ???
def findAuthInfoByCode(code: String): Future[Option[AuthInfo[User]]] = ???
def findAuthInfoByRefreshToken(refreshToken: String): Future[Option[AuthInfo[User]]] = ???
def deleteAuthCode(code: String): Future[Unit] = ???
def findAccessToken(token: String): Future[Option[AccessToken]] = ???
def findAuthInfoByAccessToken(accessToken: AccessToken): Future[Option[AuthInfo[User]]] = ???
If your data access is blocking for the data storage, then you just wrap your implementation in the DataHandler
trait with Future.successful(...)
For more details, refer to Scaladoc of DataHandler
returns AuthInfo
as authorized information.
is made up of the following fields.
case class AuthInfo[User](
user: User,
clientId: Option[String],
scope: Option[String],
redirectUri: Option[String],
codeChallenge: Option[String] = None,
codeChallengeMethod: Option[CodeChallengeMethod] = None
is authorized by DataHandlerclientId
which is sent from a client has been verified by DataHandler
as belowval clientId = authInfo.clientId.getOrElse(throw new InvalidClient())